HACCP Validation
Validation is the process of demonstrating that the HACCP system as designed can adequately control identified hazards to produce a safe product. There are two distinct elements to validation:
- The scientific or technical justification or documented basis for the system. This consists of having scientific and technical documentation that demonstrate that the designed process can control the identified hazard. In other words, will the HACCP work in theory?, and
- The initial practical demonstration proving the system can perform as expected. This consists of having records which demonstrate the plan in operation, the HACCP plan achieves what is expected to achieve. In other words, does the plan work in practice?
What is the responsibility of the establishment?
The establishment is responsible for all aspects of developing and implementing the HACCP plan including validation of the adequacy of the process that insures all food safety hazards are under control. The following describes what validation is.
What is the HACCP regulatory requirement for validation?
Section 417.4 of the meat and poultry regulations requires that each establishment validate the adequacy of its HACCP plans in controlling those food safety hazards identified during the hazard analysis. The hazard analysis must have supporting documentation for each step of a HACCP plan in order to show that the establishment accounts for all hazards likely to occur. Specifically, the processing steps that reduce, eliminate, or prevent food safety hazards - critical control points - and their accompanying critical limits must be validated. Initial validation contains the recorded documentation that shows that the HACCP plan functions as intended.
What type of documentation does FSIS expect for validation?
The documentation assembled to validate a HACCP plan are usually of two types:
- HACCP design type of documentation: Theoretical principles, expert advice from processing authorities, scientific data, or other information demonstrating that particular process control measures can adequately address specified hazards, and
- HACCP execution type of documentation: In-plant observations, data, measurements, test results, or other information demonstrating that the control measures, as written into a HACCP plan, can be operated within a particular establishment to achieve the intended food safety objective.
Validation data for any HACCP plan must include some practical data or information reflecting an establishment's actual experience in implementing the HACCP plan. This is because validation must demonstrate not only that the HACCP plan is theoretically sound, but also that the establishment can implement it and make it work on a day by day basis.
What are some examples of supporting documentation that may be used by the establishments to support the scientific design or technical justification or documented basis for their HACCP system?
- Scientific journal articles or other published scientific literature;
- FSIS regulations, or regulatory performance standards;
- FSIS compliance guidelines;
- FSIS directives;
- Industry standards or surveys;
- Trade association guidelines;
- Pathogen modeling programs;
- Processing authority documents, instructions, or research;
- Written information from industry experts or consultants;
- University extension publications;
- In-plant studies, research or historical data;
- Written materials from equipment manufacturers.
- Information for Industry
- PowerPoint: HACCP Systems Validation Industry Webinar, December 21, 2015
- PowerPoint: Initial Validation Requirements: Understanding the FSIS Compliance Guideline for HACCP Systems Validation, Grocery Manufacturer’s Association Webinar, December 9, 2015
- Instructions for FSIS Personnel
- Instructions for Verifying Validation Requirements During Performance of the Hazard Analysis Verification (HAV) Task
FSIS Notice 32-17 reissues the instructions in FSIS Notice 78-15 for inspection program personnel (IPP) to follow when verifying compliance with validation requirements (9 CFR 417.4) as outlined in FSIS Directive 5000.6, Performance of the Hazard Analysis Verification (HAV) Task. - FSIS Directive 5000.6 Performance of the Hazard Analysis Verification (HAV) Task
This directive provides inspection program personnel (IPP) instructions for performing the Hazard Analysis Verification (HAV) task.
- Instructions for Verifying Validation Requirements During Performance of the Hazard Analysis Verification (HAV) Task
- Training FSIS Provided on the Final HACCP Systems Validation Guidelines
- Video: HACCP Validation Training
- PowerPoint: HACCP Systems Validation Training
- Video: HACCP Validation Training
- HACCP Systems Validation (May 14, 2015)
- Docket No. FSIS-2009-0019
- FSIS Compliance Guideline HACCP Systems Validation (April 2015)
- HACCP Systems Validation Meeting
Docket No. FSIS-2009-0019 (May 29, 2013)
- Regulatory Compliance Guides
Helpful Web Sites
Note: Links to sites outside USDA open in a new window.
- University of Wisconsin, Center for Meat Process Validation
http://meathaccp.wisc.edu/ - Ohio State University, Departments of Animal Sciences
https://meatsci.osu.edu - Texas A&M University, Department of Meat Science
https://meat.tamu.edu/ - Kansas State University, Department of Animal Sciences and Industry
- HACCP and Food Safety Help for Small Meat and Food Processing Operations
- HACCP and Food Safety Help for Small Meat and Food Processing Operations
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
http://foodsafety.unl.edu/ - Penn State University, Department of Dairy and Animal Science
http://foodsafety.psu.edu/ - Iowa State University Meat Laboratory
https://www.meatscience.ag.iastate.edu/meats-laboratory - Louisiana State University, Department of Food Science
http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/our_offices/departments/Food_Science/ - North Carolina State University, Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Science, Cooperative Extension
https://fbns.ncsu.edu/extension_program/haccp.html - Montana State University Extension
http://extn.msu.montana.edu/ - Utah State University Extension
https://extension.usu.edu/foodbiz/ - University of Kentucky, Department of Animal & Food Sciences Food Science Program
http://afs.ca.uky.edu/FoodScience - University of Florida, Department of Animal Sciences, Meat Extension
http://animal.ifas.ufl.edu/meat_extension/index.shtml - Joint Institute of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. The Institute is a jointly administered, multidisciplinary research and education program and includes research components from the FDA Centers for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition ( CFSAN) and Veterinary Medicine ( CVM), and University of Maryland.http://www.jifsan.umd.edu/
Coordinators are affiliated with Universities and provide additional one-on-one advice and assistance to small and very small plants related to HACCP and HACCP Validation. Coordinators also develop and provide training.
HACCP Coordinators may contact us with requests for updates or corrections to this list.
AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY
State |
HACCP Coordinator |
Alabama |
Dr. Dianna Bourassa (Coordinator) |
Alaska |
Cooperative Extension Service |
Arizona |
Arizona Cooperative Extension Service |
Arkansas |
Dr. Gregory C. Phillips (Coordinator) |
California |
Dr. John A. Henson, Ph.D. (Coordinator) |
Colorado |
Colorado State University Extension |
Connecticut |
Dr. Indu Upadhyaya, DVM, MVSc, PhD (Coordinator) |
Delaware |
Dr. Sue Snider (Coordinator) |
District of Columbia |
Lillie Monroe-Lord, PhD, RD, LD |
Florida |
Dr. Jason M. Scheffler |
Georgia |
Dr. Manpreet Singh (Coordinator) Laurel L. Dunn, Ph.D. |
Hawaii |
University of Hawai’i at Manoa |
Idaho |
Ms. Janna Hamlett (Coordinator) |
Illinois |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne |
Indiana |
Purdue University Extension |
Iowa |
Dr. Joe Cordray (Coordinator) |
Kansas |
Dr. Elizabeth Boyle (Coordinator) |
Kentucky |
Dr. Gregg Rentfrow (Coordinator) |
Louisiana |
Dr. Evelyn Watts (Coordinator) |
Maine |
Dr. Jason Bolton (Coordinator) |
Maryland |
Dr. Rohan V. Tikekar (Coordinator) Dr. Chengchu (Cathy) Liu (Coordinator) |
Massachusetts |
Amanda Kinchla, M.S. (Coordinator) |
Michigan |
Dr. Jeannine P. Schweihofer (Coordinator) |
Minnesota |
Dr. Ryan Cox (Coordinator) |
Mississippi |
Dr. Courtney A. Crist (Coordinator) |
Missouri |
Dr. Andrew D. Clarke (Coordinator) Dr. Lakshmikantha Channaiah (Coordinator) |
Montana |
Dr. Jane Ann Boles (Coordinator) |
Nebraska |
Byron D. Chaves, PhD. |
Nevada |
Dr. Amilton de Mello (Coordinator) |
New Hampshire |
New Jersey |
Dr. Donald Schaffner (Coordinator) |
New Mexico |
Dr Francine Giotto Dr. Luis Sabillon-Galeas |
New York |
Samuel D. Alcaine, Ph.D. |
North Carolina |
Dr. Clint Stevenson |
North Dakota |
Dr. Julie Garden-Robinson Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D. (Coordinator) |
Ohio |
Dr. Lynn Knipe (Coordinator) |
Oklahoma |
Dr. Ravi Jadeja (Coordinator) Dr. Peter Muriana (Coordinator) |
Oregon |
Dr. Joy Waite-Cusic (Coordinator) |
Pennsylvania |
Dr. Jonathan A. Campbell (Coordinator) |
Puerto Rico |
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez |
Rhode Island | University of Rhode Island Nicole Richard, HACCP Coordinator Food Safety Specialist University of Rhode Island 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston, RI 02892 Phone: 401-874-2977 Nicolerichard@uri.edu |
South Carolina |
Dr. Julie K. Northcutt (Coordinator) Dr. Doug Smith (Coordinator) |
South Dakota |
Dr. Christina Bakker |
Tennessee |
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture |
Texas |
Dr. Kerri Harris Gehring (Coordinator) Dr. John D. Kellermeier |
Utah |
Utah State University Food Safety Extension |
Vermont |
The University of Vermont Extension |
Virginia |
Dr. Joseph D. Eifert (Coordinator) |
Washington |
Dr. Jan Busboom (Coordinator) |
West Virginia |
West Virginia University |
Wisconsin |
Dr. Jeff Sindelar (Coordinator) |
Wyoming |
Dr. Cody Gifford (Coordinator) |
Fermented Products | Salt-cured Products | Dried Products | Poultry Products | Red Meat Products | Other
Fermented Products
Fermented Sausage
- Nickelson, R., II, J. Luchansky, C. Kaspar, and E. Johnson. 1996. Update on dry fermented sausage Escherichia coli O157:H7 validation research. Report No. 11-316. Available at: https://meatsci.osu.edu/sites/meatsci/files/imce/1996_dry_fermented_sausage.pdf.
Summer Sausage
- Calicioglu, M., Faith, N.G., Buege, D.R., and Luchansky, J.B. 1997. Viability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Fermented Semi-dry Low-Temperature-Cooked Beef Summer Sausage. J. Food Prot. 60(1): 1158-1162. Available at: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article/60/10/1158/167793/Viability-of-Escherichia-coli-O157-H7-in-Fermented.
Lebanon-Style Bologna
- Getty, K.J.K, Phebus, R.K, Marsden, J.L., Schwenke, J.R., and Kastner, C.L. 1999. Control of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Large (115 mm) and Intermediate (90 mm) Diameter Lebanon-style Bologna. J. of Food Sci. 64(6): 1100-1107. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1365-2621.1999.tb12290.x.
- Deibel Laboratories/CHR. Hansen. 2017. Fate of Salmonella Spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus Inoculated into a Non-Heated and Dried Salami Product. Available from CHR. Hansen Inc.
- Faith, N. G., Parniere, N., Larson, T., Lorang, T.D., Kaspar, C.W., Luchansky, J.B. 1998. Viability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in salami following conditioning of batter, fermentation and drying of sticks, and storage of slices. J. Food Prot. 61:377-382. Available at: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article/61/4/377/166976/Viability-of-Escherichia-coli-O157-H7-in-Salami.
- Porto-Fett, A.C.S., Call, J.E., Shoyer, B.E., Hill, D.E., Pshebniski, C., Cocoma, G.J., and Luchansky, J.B. 2010. Evaluation of fermentation, drying, and/or high-pressure processing on viability of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Trichinella spiralis in raw pork and Genoa salami. Int. Journal of Food Micro. 140: 61-75.*
- Hinkens, J.C., Faith, N.G., Lorang, T.D., Bailey, P., Buege, D., Kaspar, C.W., Luchansky, J.B. 1996. Validation of Pepperoni Processes for Control of Escherichia coli O157:H7. J. Food Prot. 59(12): 1260-1266. Available at: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article/59/12/1260/167299/Validation-of-Pepperoni-Processes-for-Control-of.
- Ihnot, A.M., Roering, A.M., Wierzba, R.K., Faith, N.G., Luchansky, J.B. 1998. Behavior of Salmonella typhimurium DT104 during the manufacture and storage of pepperoni. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 40:117-121.
- Faith, N.G., Parniere, N., Larson, T., Lorang, T.D., Luchansky, J.B. 1997. Viability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in pepperoni during the manufacture of sticks and subsequent storage of slices at 21, 4 and -20°C under air, vacuum and CO2. Int. Journal of Food Micro. 37:47-54.
- Calicioglu, M., N. G. Faith, D. R. Buege, Luchansky, J.B. 2001. Validation of a Manufacturing Process for Fermented, Semidry Turkish Soudjouk to Control Escherichia coli O157:H7. J. Food Prot. 64(8):1156-1161. Available at: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article/64/8/1156/170007/Validation-of-a-Manufacturing-Process-for.
- Calicioglu, M., N. G. Faith, D. R. Buege, Luchansky, J.B. 2002. Viability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during manufacturing and storage of fermented, semidry soudjouk-style sausage. J. Food Prot. 65:1541-1544. Available at: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article/65/10/1541/167136/Viability-of-Escherichia-coli-O157-H7-during.
- Porto-Fett, A.C.S., Hwang, C.A., Call, J.E., Juneja, V.K., Ingham, S.C., Ingham, B.H., Luchansky, J.B. 2008. Viability of multi-strain mixtures of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, or Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated into the batter or onto the surface of a soudjouk-style semi-dry sausage. Food Microbiology. 25: 793-801.* Available at: https://meathaccp.wisc.edu/validation/assets/Dry%20Food%20Micro%2025.pdf.
Salt-cured Products
- Ingham, S.C., Searls, G., Buege, D.R.. 2006. Inhibition of Salmonella serovars, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes during dry-curing and drying of meat: a case study with basturma. J. Food Safety 26: 160-172.* Available at: https://meathaccp.wisc.edu/validation/assets/Dry%20JFS%2026.pdf.
- Genigeorgis, C., Lindroth, S. 1984. The Safety of Basturma, An Armenian-type Dried Beef Product with Regard to Salmonella. Proceedings of the 30th European Meeting of Meat Research Workers. Bristol, UK. 217-224.
Country Cured Ham
- Reynolds, A.E., Harrison, M.A., Rose-Morrow, R., Lyon, C.E. 2001. Validation of Dry Cured Ham Process for Control of Pathogens. J. Food Sci. 66:1373-1379. Abstract available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2621.2001.tb15217.x.
Dried Products
- Burnham, G.M., Hanson, D.J., Koshick, C.M., Ingham, S.C. 2008. Death of Salmonella Serovars, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes During the Drying of Meat: A Case Study Using Biltong and Droewors. J. Food Safety. 28:198-209.* Available at: https://meathaccp.wisc.edu/validation/assets/Dry%20JFS%2028.pdf.
- Burnham, G.M., Hanson, D.J., Koshick, C.M., Ingham, S.C. 2008. Death of Salmonella Serovars, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes During the Drying of Meat: A Case Study Using Biltong and Droewors. J. Food Safety. 28:198-209.* Available at: https://meathaccp.wisc.edu/validation/assets/Dry%20JFS%2028.pdf.
- Karolenko, C.E., Bhusal, Ar., Nelson, J.L., Muriana, P.M. 2020. Processing of Biltong (Dried Beef) to Achieve USDA-FSIS 5-log Reduction of Salmonella Without a Heat Lethality Step. Microorganisms. 8(5): 791. Available at: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/8/5/791/htm.
- Naidoo, K., Lindsay, D. 2010. Survival of Listeria monocytogenes, and Enterotoxin-Producing Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pasteuri, During Two Types of Biltong-manufacturing Practices. Food Control. 21:1042-1050.*
- Anonymous. Microbial intervention strategies for Salmonella and Campylobacter reduction in commercial turkey processing. Anonymous. Anonymous. 2005.
- E. del Rio, R. Muriente, and M. Proito. Effectiveness of Trisodium phosphate, acidified sodium chlorite, citric acid, and peroxyaxeric acids against pathogenic bacteria on poultry during refrigerated storage. J Food Prot 70:2063-2071, 2007.
- D. L. Fletcher and E. W. Craig. An evaluation of on-line reprocessing on visual contamination and microbiological quality of broilers. J Appl Poultry Res 6:436-442, 1997.
- W. M. Fluckey, M. X. Sanchez, S. R. McKee, and et al. Establishment of a microbiological profile for an air-chilling poultry operation in the United States. J Food Prot 66:272-279, 2003.
- R. Fries. Reducing Salmonella transfer during industrial poultry meat production. World's Poultry Science J 58:527-540, 578-579, 582-583, 588, 593, 2002.
- W. O. James and J. C. Prucha. Effects of countercurrent scalding and postscald on the bacteriologic profile of raw chicken carcasses. JAVMA 201:705-708, 1992.
- G. K. Kemp, M. L. Aldrich, and A. L. Waldroup. Acidified sodium chlorite antimicrobial treatment of broiler carcasses. J Food Prot 63:1087-1092, 2001.
- G. K. Kemp, M. L. Aldrich, M. L. Guerra, and K. R. Schneider. Continuous online processing of fecal- and ingesta- contaminated poultry carcasses using an acidified chlorine antimicrobial intervention. J Food Prot 64:807-812, 2001.
- H. S. Lillard. Levels of chlorine and chlorine dioxide of equivalent bactericidal effect in poultry processing. J Food Sci 44:1594-1597, 1979.
- J. K. Northcutt and D. P. Smith. Microbiological impact of spray washing broiler carcasses using different chlorine concentrations and water temperatures. Poultry Sci 84:1648-1652, 2005.
- O. A. Oyarzabal. Reduction of campylobacter spp. by commercial antimicrobials applied during the processing of broiler chickens: a review from the US perspective. J Food Prot 68:1752-1760, 2005.
- D. P. Smith, J. K. Northcut, and M. T. Musgrove. Microbiology of contaminated or visibly clean broiler carcasses processed with an inside-outside bird washer. Int J Poultry Sci 4:955-958, 2005.
Red Meat
- T. Aymerich, P. A. Picouet, and J. M. Monfort. Decontamination technologies for meat products. Meat Science 78:114-129, 2008.
- R. T. Bacon, K. E Belk, and J. N. Sofos. Microbial populations on animal hides and beef carcasses at different stages in plants employing multiple-sequential interventions and decontaminations. J Food Prot 63:1080-1086, 2000.
- E. Borch and P. Arinder. Bacteriological safety issues in red meat and ready-to-eat meat products, as well as control measures. Meat Science 62:381-390, 2003.
- J. M. Bosilevac, X. Nou, M. S. Osborne, and et al. Development and evaluation of an on-line hide decontamination procedure for use in a commercial beef processing plant. J Food Prot 68:265-272, 2005.
- J. R. Edwards and D. Y. C. Fung. Prevention and decontamination of E. coli O157:H7 on raw beef carcasses in commercial beef abattoirs. J Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 14:1-95, 2006.
- B. L. Farrell, A. B. Ronner, and A. C. L. Wong. Attachment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef to meat grinders and survival after sanitation with chlorine and peroxyacetic acid. J Food Prot 61:817-822, 1998.
- K. Harris, M. F. Miller, and G. H. Loneragan. Validation of the use of organic acids and acidified sodium chlorite to reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in beef trim and ground beef in a simulated processing environment. J Food Prot 69:1802-1807, 2008.
- R. D. Huffman. Current and future technologies for the decontamination of carcasses and fresh meat. Meat Science 62:285-294, 2002.
- M. Hugas, M. Garriga, and J. M. Monfort. New mild technologies in meat processing: high pressure as a model technology. Meat Science 62:359-371, 2002.
- N. Kalchayanand, T. M. Arthur, and J. M. Bosilevac. Evaluation of various antimicrobial interventions for the reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on beef heads during processing. J Food Prot 71:621-624, 2008.
- S. L. Kochevar, Sofos JN, S. B. LeValley, and G. C. Smith. Effect of water temperature, pressure and chemical solution on removal of fecal material and bacteria from lamb adipose tissue by spray-washing. Meat Science 45:377-388, 1997.
- S. E. Niebuhr, A. Laury, G. R. Acuff, and J. S. Dickson. Evaluation of nonpathogenic surrogate bacteria as process validation indicators for Salmonella enterica for selected antimicrobial treatments, cold storage, and fermentation in meat. J Food Prot 71:714-718, 2008.
- X. Nou, M. Rivera-Betancourt, J. M. Bosilevac, and et al. Effect of chemical dehairing on the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the levels of aerobic bacteria and enterobacteriaceae on carcasses in a commercial beef processing plant. J Food Prot 66:2005-2009, 2003.
- J. R. Ransom, K. E. Belk, J. N. Sofos, and et al. Comparison of intervention technologies for reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7 pm beef cuts and trimmings. Food Protection Trends 23:24-34, 2003.
- J. A. Scanga, A. D. Grona, K. E. Belk, and et al. Microbiological contamination of raw beef trimmings and ground beef. Meat Science 56:145-152, 2002.
- M. R. Stivariusn, F. W. Pohlman, K. S. McElyea, and J. K. Apple. Microbial, instrumental color and sensory color and odor characteristics of ground beef produced from beef trimmings treated with ozone or chlorine dioxide. Meat Science 60:299-305, 2003.
- D. R. Woerner and et al. Preharvest processes for microbial control in cattle. Food Protection Trends 26:393-400, 2006.
- V. M. Allen, M. H. Hinton, and D. B. Tinker. Microbial cross-contamination by airborne dispersion and contagion during defeathering of poultry. Brit Poult Sci 44:567-576, 2005.
- S. P. Axtell and et al. Effect of immersion chilling of broiler chicken carcasses in monochloramine on lipid oxidation and halogenated residual compound formation. J Food Prot 69:907-911, 2006.
- G. V. Barbosa-Canovas and J. J. Rodriguez. Update on nonthermal food processing technologies: pulsed electric field, high hydrostatic pressure, irradiation and ultrasound. Food Australia 54:513-520, 2002.
- T. R. Callaway, R. C. Anderson, T. S. Edrington, and et al. Preslaughter intervention strategies to reduce food-borne pathogens in food animals. J Anim Sci 81:E170E23, 2003.
- A. Castillo, J. S. Dickson, and R. P. Clayton. Chemical dehairing of bovine skin to reduce pathogenic bacteria and bacteria of fecal origin. J Food Prot 61:623-625, 1998.
- E. del Rio, R. Capita, M. Prieto, and C. Alonso-Calle. Comparison of pathogenic and spoilage bacterial levels on refrigerated poultry parts following treatment with trisodium phosphate. F ood Microbiol 23:195-198, 2006.
- E. del Rio, B. G. de Caso, and M. Prieto. Effect of poultry decontaminants concentration on growth kinetics for pathogenic and spoilage bacteria. Food Microbiol 25:888-894, 2008.
- C. Garcia-Graells, I. V. Opstal, S. C. M. Vanmuysen, and C. W. Michiels. The lactoperoxidase system increases efficacy of high-pressure inactivation of foodborne bacteria. Int J Food Microbiol 81:211, 2003.
- D. R. Korber, G. G. Greer, G. M. Wolfaardt, and et al. Efficacy of enhancement of trisodium phosphate against spoilage and pathogenic bacteria in model biofilms and on adipose tissue. J Food Prot 65:627-635, 2002.
- S. Quintavall and L. Vicini. Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Meat Science 62:373-380, 2002.
- J Yuste, M. Capellas, D. Y. C. Fung, and et al. Inactivation and sublethal injury of foodborne pathogens by high pressure processing: evaluation with conventional media and thin layer method. Food Research International 37:861-866, 2004.
- Anonymous. Microbial intervention strategies for Salmonella and Campylobacter reduction in commercial turkey processing. Anonymous. Anonymous. 2005.
- M. E. Berrang, J. A. Dickens, and M. T. Musgrove. Effects of hot water application after defeathering on the levels of Campylobacter, coliform bacteria, and Escherichia coli on broiler carcasses. Poultry Sci 79:1689-1693, 2000.
- P. L. White, A. R. Baker, and W. O. James. Strategies to control Salmonella and Campylobacter in raw poultry products. Rev Sci Off Int Epiz 16:525-541, 1997.
- Y. Yang and M. G. Johnson. Predictive models for the survival/death of Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella Typhimurium in poultry scalding and chilling. J Food Sci 67:1836-1843, 2002.
- L. Y. Yang and B. L. Swem. Effect of high-temperature inside-outside spray on survival of Campylobacter jejuni attached to prechill chicken carcasses. Poultry Sci 81:1371-1377, 2002.
E. coli 0157:H7
- J. D. Berg and A. Matin. Effect of chlorine dioxide on selected membrane functions of Escherichia coli. J Appl Bacteriol 60:213-220, 1986.
- M. E. Berrang, J. A. Dickens, and M. T. Musgrove. Effects of hot water application after defeathering on the levels of Campylobacter, coliform bacteria, and Escherichia coli on broiler carcasses. Poultry Sci 79:1689-1693, 2000.
- J. M. Bosilevac, X. Nou, and G. A. Barkocy-Gallagher. Treatments using hot water instead of lactic acid reduce levels of aerobic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae and reduce prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on preevisceration beef carcasses. J Food Prot 69:1808-1813, 2006.
- A. Castillo, L. M Lucia, G. K. Kemp, and G. R. Acuff. Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium on beef carcasses using acidified sodium chlorite. J Food Prot (580):584, 1999.
- J. R. Edwards and D. Y. C. Fung. Prevention and decontamination of E. coli O157:H7 on raw beef carcasses in commercial beef abattoirs. J Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 14:1-95, 2006.
- B. L. Farrell, A. B. Ronner, and A. C. L. Wong. Attachment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef to meat grinders and survival after sanitation with chlorine and peroxyacetic acid. J Food Prot 61:817-822, 1998.
- R. Fries. Reducing Salmonella transfer during industrial poultry meat production. World's Poultry Science J 58:527-540, 578-579, 582-583, 588, 593, 2002.
- K. Harris, M. F. Miller, and G. H. Loneragan. Validation of the use of organic acids and acidified sodium chlorite to reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in beef trim and ground beef in a simulated processing environment. J Food Prot 69:1802-1807, 2008.
- N. Kalchayanand, T. M. Arthur, and J. M. Bosilevac. Evaluation of various antimicrobial interventions for the reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on beef heads during processing. J Food Prot 71:621-624, 2008.
- L. Levanduski and J. Jaczynsli. Increased resistance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to electron beam following repetitive irradiation at sub-lethal doses. Int J Food Microbiol 121:328-334, 2008.
- G. H. Loneragan and M. M. Brashears. Pre-harvest interventions to reduce carriage of E. coli O157:H7 by harvest-ready feedlot cattle. Meat Science 71:72-78, 2005.
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- J. R. Ransom, K. E. Belk, J. N. Sofos, and et al. Comparison of intervention technologies for reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7 pm beef cuts and trimmings. Food Protection Trends 23:24-34, 2003.
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