Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory
The Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection (MPI) Directory is a listing of establishments that produce meat, poultry, and/or egg products regulated by FSIS. The Establishment Demographic Data includes additional establishment information about FSIS regulated establishments, including size, species slaughtered and aggregate categorical production information. This below visualization combines these data sets to allow users to view establishments geographically and filter by location, species slaughtered and categorical production activities. These data are updated weekly, and the current edition replaces all previous editions.
NOTE: Data is accurate as of the date the report was generated. Changes that have occurred or have been processed after the date of this report will appear in the next weekly update.
- If you believe that the current directory contains an error, or you have questions regarding the data in the directory or the visualization, please contact
- If you have any technical questions related to meat, poultry, or egg products, please use askFSIS.
- If you need additional information about establishments, you may file a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
- To view establishments in a table format, please see FSIS Inspected Establishments
- MPI Directory: Alphabetically by Establishment Name | CSV (Jan 21, 2025)
- MPI Directory: Numerically by Establishment Number | CSV (Jan 21, 2025)
- Dataset: Establishment Demographic Data (Jan 21, 2025, CSV)
- Data Documentation: MPI Directory (PDF)
- Data Documentation: Establishment Demographic (MPI Directory Supplement) (PDF)
- List of Official Import Inspection Establishments Approved for Siluriformes(Jan 13, 2025)
- Cooperative Interstate Shipment (CIS) Establishments
FSIS is responsible for protecting the public's health by ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. FSIS consists of about 9,600 employees, with the majority of agency employees working on the frontline in more than 6,500 federally inspected establishments throughout the United States and Territories, to verify the production of safe, wholesome, and properly labeled food.
FSIS has listed the physical location of each establishment in the FSIS MPI Directory and has posted the Establishment Demographic Data to provide a generalized description of the production operations for each establishment. Establishments can perform a wide range of meat, poultry, and egg product production activities, from slaughtering animals, to cutting and grinding raw meat, preparing ready-to-eat products, etc. With nearly a limitless list of different products in the marketplace at any given time, FSIS groups these activities into general categories, which include:
FSIS District: The FSIS district where an establishment is located. For more information about FSIS districts:
Establishment HACCP Size: The size of the establishment based on the business class.
- The options are Large (=500 or more employees), Small (10-499 employees), and Very Small (<10 employees or less than $2.5 million in annual sales)
- This information is only collected for establishments under HACCP.
- NOTE: This variable does not correlate highly with production volume
Livestock Slaughter: Conducting slaughter activities for all classes of Beef Cow, Steer, Heifer, Bull/Stag, Dairy Cow, Heavy Calf, Veal, Bob Veal, Formula-fed Veal, Market Swine, Sow, Roaster Swine, Feral Swine, Goat, Young Goat, Adult Goat, Sheep, Lamb, Deer/Reindeer, Antelope, Elk, Bison, Buffalo, Water Buffalo, Cattalo, Yak, Rabbit, and Other Voluntary Livestock.
Poultry Slaughter: Conducting slaughter activities for all classes of Young Chicken, Light Fowl, Heavy Fowl, Capon, Young Turkey, Young Breeder Turkey, Old Breeder Turkey, Fryer/Roaster Turkey, Duck, Goose, Pheasant, Quail, Ostrich, Emu, Rhea, Guinea, Squab, and Other Voluntary Poultry.
Processing Categories: Conducting activities that fall under the follow:
- Raw Intact: Raw processing may include as cutting, slicing, trimming, etc.
- Raw Non-Intact: Raw processing may include grinding, stuffing, blending, etc.
- RTE: "Ready-to-Eat" processing may include cooking, smoking, drying, etc.
- NRTE: "Not Ready-to-Eat" processing may include partial heating, smoking, curing, etc.
An establishment may produce products under multiple categories. For example, an establishment may slaughter cattle (Beef), cut steaks (Raw Intact), grind beef (Raw Non-Intact) and prepare fully cooked hot dogs (RTE). Alternatively, an establishment may produce products under a single category. For example, and establishment may prepare fully cooked hot dogs (RTE), lunch meat (RTE) and beef jerky (RTE). Users can contact the individual establishment for product specific inquiries.
Livestock Processing: Conducting processing activities for all classes of Beef, Pork, Antelope, Bison, Buffalo, Deer, Elk, Goat, Rabbit, Reindeer, Sheep, Yak, Other Voluntary Livestock, and Unspecified. Unspecified may occur, for instance, when there is a combination of processed livestock and poultry products within the same product.
Poultry Processing: Conducting processing activities for all classes of Chicken, Duck, Goose, Pigeon, Ratite, Turkey, Exotic Poultry, Other Voluntary Poultry, or Unspecified. Unspecified may occur, for instance, when there is a combination of processed livestock and poultry products within the same product.
Other Processing: Siluriformes, which consists of Siluriformes processing, and Egg Products, which may include egg breaking, pasteurizing, drying, etc.
Inspection Activities: The type of inspection activities the establishment is approved for under its Grant of Inspection.
Tribal Statistical Areas: The relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a federally recognized American Indian reservation and/or off-reservation trust land, delineated by the American Indian tribal government and/or the Census Bureau for the purpose of presenting demographic data. The data is provided by the United States Census Bureau and can be downloaded here.
Using the Dashboard
- Select a field from the Control Panel (left) to filter for available establishments and activities.
- Selecting a filter will filter the other fields and display only relevant options and data based on the filter(s) selected. Clear all filters to see all options and data.
- Hover in the top left corner of the map to view additional options using the triangle that looks like a "Play" symbol. These options provide the ability to zoom, pan, or select multiple establishments with the various selection tools.
- Hover over an establishment on the map to see contact information and activities performed.
- The "Number of Ests" counts the unique establishments fitting the selected filter(s).
"Nebraska" | "Nebraska" & "Beef" | "Select Establishment on Map" |