Super Bowl foods

Keep Your Team Safe During the Big Game

The Super Bowl is a time to gather with friends and family to watch the sporting event of the year and enjoy a few tasty bites to eat. After leaving perishable hot or cold food at room temperature for two hours, also known as the Danger Zone, bacteria can reach dangerous levels and make you sick. Protect your teammates’ blindside by keeping your Super Bowl food out of the Danger Zone.
Don't be Blindsided by Bacteria
Safety through inspection icon

Safety Through Inspection

FSIS protects the public's health by ensuring that meat, poultry and egg products are safe, wholesome and properly labeled.
Grants file folder tab in a draw

Grants & Financial Options

USDA is committed to supporting meat, poultry and egg establishments of all sizes. There are several opportunities available for financial and technical assistance.
Woman in sausage production facility

Small & Very Small Plant Guidance

Looking for help? FSIS compliance and inspection resources will help address common questions and challenges for small operators.

Evidence-Based Policies in Action

science design


Research, Methods & Data
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Rulemaking & Regulatory Guides
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Food safety icon

Food Safety

Handling & Preparation Tips
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Food Safety Facts

7.1 Thousand
establishments that FSIS monitors
7.7 Million
food safety and food defense procedures
305 Thousand
Humane Handling & Good Commercial Practices Enforcement Activities

Did you know that the 1905 book The Jungle was a driver of the Federal Meat Inspection Act that governs FSIS’ activities today?

Upton Sinclair's novel took aim at the poor working conditions in a Chicago meatpacking house. The ensuing public furor moved Congress to pass the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), which President Theodore Roosevelt signed into law in 1906 and requires federal inspectors in meat-packing houses.

total recalls in 2024
total public health alerts in 2024

Top 2024 Recall Reasons


Food Safety Tips

Cleaning bubbles icon.

Cleanliness Prevents Illness

Mishandling food can lead to foodborne illness. Wash hands and surfaces often.
A pie chart icon

Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart.

When handling raw meat, poultry and seafood, keep separate to prevent cross-contamination.
Frying pan icon

Take Your Food's Temperature

Cook raw meat and poultry to a safe minimum internal temperature.
Temperature gauge with snow flakes.

Keep Foods Chill, and Stay Safe

Cold temperatures keep harmful bacteria from growing, so refrigerate promptly.

Have a Question or Concern About a Food Product?

Person washing hands in a sink.

Call Our Hotline

For help with meat, poultry and processed egg products, call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline: 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854).
Raw chicken on plate with ingredients laying near.

Report a Problem with Food Online

If you having a problem with a food product, let FSIS know or find the appropriate public health organization.
Freedom of Information Act Icon.

Free & Open Access to Information

In keeping with our society's interest in an open government, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows any person access to almost all Federal agency records unless they are protected by one of nine exemptions.
Learn About FOIA
Collaboration handshake icon.

Collaboration & Input

FSIS actively promotes and encourages collaboration to improve food safety outcomes and protect public health. Sharing information, promoting discussion and seeking input on science-based, data-driven policy decisions helps stakeholders become part of the food safety solution.
Learn About Our Rulemaking


Join the Food Safety and Inspection Service
Consider a job with the Food Safety and Inspection Service. As an employee at one of the largest public health regulatory agencies in the U.S. Government, you can have the satisfaction of doing work that protects the public. Explore the job profiles below to learn more about what we do.
Career Profiles-Food Inspector

Food Inspector

Inspectors provide the first line of defense against adulterated meat and poultry products.
Career Profiles-CSI

Consumer Safety Inspector

CSIs ensure a plant is operating within its written plans for HACCP, sanitation, and processing.
Career Profiles-Public Health Veterinarian

Public Health Veterinarian

PHVs help oversee the effectiveness of farm-to-table food safety systems.
Career Profiles-Scientific_Positions

Scientific Positions

FSIS scientists protect the public by providing microbiological, pathological, chemical and other scientific analyses of meat, poultry, and egg products.
Career Profiles-Administrative_Positions


FSIS Administrative Positions include roles ranging from human resources to purchasing.
Career Profiles-Professional Positions

Professional Positions

FSIS Professional Positions include roles ranging from data analysts to financial managers.
Man pulling bacon wrapped turkey out of oven


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