FSIS Enterprise Governance Decision Making Process
FSIS Directive 1040.1 informs FSIS employees of the Enterprise Governance (EG) process, established to serve as a formal clearance process for public health and other mission-related issues, particularly issues that affect multiple programs. The issues presented are generally proposals that would have Agency-wide implications. Issues are reviewed by three EG Boards; the Enterprise Investment Board (EIB), the Enterprise Architecture Board (EAB), and the Enterprise Steering Board (ESB) and recommendations are presented to the Management Council (MC) for final approval. The EG process is to be followed for both decision-making and implementation initiatives.
- USDA/FSIS Enterprise Governance High-Level Initiative Decision Tree (PDF)
- FSIS Management Council Charter (Jul 13, 2016; PDF)
Note: The members of the Management Council include the FSIS Administrator, Deputy Administrator, Assistant Administrators, Deputy Assistant Administrators, other members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) and Agency senior managers as designated by the Administrator.
- Enterprise Governance Board Charters (PDF)
Document includes charters for:- Enterprise Investment Board
- Enterprise Architecture Board
- Enterprise Steering Board
- FSIS Form 1360-16B: FSIS Enterprise Governance Board Project or Evaluation Review Request Form (PDF)
Last Updated: May 12, 2021