October 2024 Snapshots
Philadelphia, Penn.
On Sept. 25, U.S. Attorney of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Jacqueline Romero presented FSIS Office of Investigations, Enforcement and Audit (OIEA) Senior Compliance Specialist Dr. Denise Amann, retired OIEA Compliance Investigator Paul Flanagan and OIEA Enforcement Operations Staff Director Scott Safian (not pictured) with certificates in recognition of their tireless pursuit of justice in the case of United States v. Miller’s Organic Farm and Amos Miller. During the ceremony, a spokesman stated that the case, which dates back to 2019, has been recognized as among the “Top Ten” cases nationwide for food safety-related “events and trends.”
Pictured, from left: Dr. Amann, Romero, Flanagan.
Photo courtesy of Eastern District of Philadelphia U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Carthage, Miss.
On Aug. 21, inspection personnel at an establishment celebrated the retirement of Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Lajoyce Hathorn. She retired after 37 years in FSIS. “She was a valuable asset to so many and was loved by everyone she met,” said Frontline Supervisor Dr. Crystal Climer.
Pictured above, from left: Consumer Safety Inspectors (CSIs) Angela Bowie, Christy Patterson, Tomeca Williams, Teresia Merriweather and Dorothy Bobbitt; Hathorn; CSIs Dorothy Hurst, Angela Bufkin, Latrenda Franklin, Dorothy Crawford, Sheryl Spivey and Ellison Brown.
Hathorn supervised the day shift, so the night shift could not be fully represented, but some night shift personnel still managed to come to wish her well. Pictured above, from left: CSIs Gerald Wolverton and Dante Rutland; Hathorn; CSI Shirley Jones.
Photos by CSI Angela Vivian.
Columbus, Ohio
On Sept. 12-14, FSIS employees from the Office of Field Operations (OFO) participated in the annual American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) Conference. AABP is a large, national continuing education platform for veterinarians specializing in dairy and beef cattle and small ruminants. This year’s conference attracted around 1,100 veterinary professionals.
FSIS Veterinary Recruiting and Outreach Coordinator Dr. Sonya Eden and Chicago District Deputy District Manager Dr. Kelsey Travis represented FSIS. Their goal was to raise awareness about the vital role veterinarians play in FSIS’ public health mission. Drs. Eden and Travis also sought to recruit veterinarians for critical in-plant supervisory public health veterinarian roles, providing attendees with valuable information on career pathways, recruitment incentives and benefits available for veterinarians in public service. (See “Benefits” and “Recruitment and Retention.”)
Pictured, from left: Drs. Eden and Travis.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Eden.
Arcadia, Wis.
On Sept. 19, the inspection team at an establishment honored Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Andrew Hampton’s two decades of federal service, all of them with USDA and at that plant specifically. “We proudly celebrate his 20 years of commitment and service with FSIS,” said Supervisory CSI Ashley Lorentz.
Pictured, seated: Hampton.
Standing, from left: CSIs Sheila Kupietz and Rian Tuma; Lorentz; CSI Jeanette Pampuch.
Photo taken via timer by Lorentz.
Delphi, Ind.
On Sept. 11, Administrator Paul Kiecker visited with inspection staff at an establishment in the Elkhart Circuit to hear about their FSIS experiences.
Pictured, front row, seated from left: Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Jeffrey Varys; Food Inspectors (FI) Diana Lozano and Gabriela Lozano; CSI Brizeida Aguilar; FI Sophia Werth.
Back row, from left: Supervisory CSI (SCSI) Roger Powell; CSI Jeffrey Gunn; Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian (SPHV) Dr. Jennifer Porter-May; CSI Michael Oberle; Frontline Supervisor Dr. Reginald Bigham, Chicago District Manager Dr. Don Fickey, Administrator Kiecker.
Photo by Office of the Administrator Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Logansport, Ind.
On September 11, Administrator Paul Kiecker visited with inspection staff at an establishment in the Indianapolis Circuit to discuss development opportunities for inspection personnel and work the line to help give breaks to online personnel.
Pictured, front row, standing from left: FIs Amanda Myers and Cassandra Townsend; Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian (SPHV) Dr. Shelby Judd; FIs Karla Gonzales and Jesus Salinas; CSI Brandon Klintworth.
Back row, from left: CSI Charles Porter, FI Kelly Jones, Frontline Supervisor Greg Gillum, SCSI Jack Storch, FI Richard Cool, Administrator Kiecker, Chicago District Manager Dr. Don Fickey, CSI Luis Salinas.
Pictured, standing from left: Gillum; Dr. Fickey; CSI Stephanie Cool; Administrator Kiecker; SPHV Dr. Jessica Johnson-Wallis; CSIs Carston Ballard and Njinga Matthews.
Photos by Office of the Administrator Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Zeeland, Mich.
On Sept. 11, Administrator Paul Kiecker visited with inspection staff on second shift in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Circuit to hear about their FSIS experiences and discuss agency initiatives.
Pictured, from left: Administrator Kiecker; Chicago District Manager (DM) Dr. Don Fickey; Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Angela Fish; Frontline Supervisor (FLS) Dr. Ryan Lundquist; CSIs Adam Hoisington and Rodney Mueller.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Allen Park, Mich.
On Sept. 12, Administrator Paul Kiecker attended a work unit meeting with inspection staff from the Dearborn, Lansing and Flint circuits. During the meeting Frontline Supervisor (FLS) Dennis Wlasiuk was recognized as he will be leaving the FLS position in Dearborn after 21 years.
Pictured, seated in front, from left, Wlasiuk and his family: Karen Wlasiuk (wife), Dennis Wlasiuk, Jennie Wlasiuk (daughter), Kristina Wlasiuk (daughter).
Behind the family, from left: CSIs Amy Barker, Michael Farnsworth and Christopher Hang; EIAO Leo Nezeritis; CSIs Douglas Jackson, Katherine Angell and Sarfraz Choudhri; Administrator Kiecker; CSIs Jamie Little, Charles Vincent, Jessica Carter and Sarah Parshall; FLS Dr. Ryan Lundquist; CSIs Joshua Kreiner and Mandalynn Brown; Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan; CSIs Darnisha Barrett and Renee Collins; SPHV Dr. Heather Grodi; CSIs Nina Raine and Angela Wininger; FLS Dr. Robin Roth; SPHV Dr. Saun Keller; CSI Aneel Khan; Chicago District Manager Dr. Don Fickey; CSIs Payge Shelson, Daniela Capatana, Juan Garcia (in back), Marco Cervantes (seated) and Jennifer Selengowski; FLS Raymond Andress; CSI Curtis Judgeware.
Photo by retired FSIS employee Sheila McMillan.
Washington, D.C.
On Sept. 11-13, staff from the FSIS Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE) represented the agency at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 53rd Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) — a major policy conference on issues affecting African Americans and the global Black community. This year’s theme was From Vision to Victory: Amplifying Black Voices.
FSIS shared information about food safety, job opportunities and agency initiatives as part of our ongoing efforts to attract and retain a talented workforce reflecting America’s diversity.
Pictured above, from left: a conference attendee receives food safety information from Management and Program Analyst Carolyn Rogers, making BAC® (puppet pictured center, on the table) unhappy.
Photo by Government Information Specialist Jessica Parrish.
Pictured, from left: celebrity Chef Huda Mu’Min, Chef Catina Smith and FSIS Customer Support & Communications Specialist Lynn Williams on the Taste of ALC culinary stage.
Photo by Government Information Specialist Jessica Parrish.
Pictured above, from left: Customer Support & Communications Specialist Lynn Williams, celebrity chef Huda Mu’min, and Chef Catina Smith in front of the Taste of ALC culinary stage.
Photo by Government Information Specialist Jessica Parrish.
Pictured above: Management and Program Analyst Carolyn Rogers encourages a conference attendee to spin a wheel that tests food safety knowledge.
Photo by Government Information Specialist Jessica Parrish.
Pictured, from left: Customer Support & Communications Specialist Lynn Williams, Government Information Specialist Jessica Parrish, Management and Program Analyst Carolyn Rogers.
Photo by Senior Public Affairs Specialist Nikki Credic-Barrett.
Pico Rivera and Inglewood, Calif.
On August 19 and 20, Administrator Paul Kiecker visited with employees in the Rosemead, Walnut and Long Beach circuits in southern California to hear about their FSIS experiences and discuss agency initiatives.
Compliance investigators (CI) and supervisory CIs are with the Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit. All others are with the Office of Field Operations, except Administrator Kiecker, unless noted.
First shift from a Pico Rivera establishment pictured, front row, from left: Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Richard Patino; Supervisory CI Adriana Perez; CSIs Phillips Richard, Ronald Pineda, Harris Ponik, James Ramirez, Gerry Qiu, Petra Guerrero Rodriguez and Esmeralda Montoya; Alameda District Manager (DM) Dr. Gabby Eddings; Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officer Lisa Ko; CSIs Jessie Kim and Antonio Zamora.
Back row, from left: CSIs Samuel Kim and Gilberto Flores; CI Dominic Portillo; Frontline Supervisor (FLS) Dr. Edwin Arriola; CSI Alendy Rangel; FLS Timothy Drake; Office of Field Operations Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA) Dr. Hany Sidrak; Alameda Deputy DM Dr. Gregory Abreu; Administrator Kiecker; CSI Gianni Cortez.
Second shift pictured, front row, from left: CSI Samuel Kim, Supervisory CI Adriana Perez, Dr. Eddings, CSI Bonnie Aceves, CSI Rosana Robles, Office of Management Human Resources Specialist Samilya Zurawski and CSI Dr. Kirollos Guirguis.
Back row, from left: Dr. Arriola, CI Dominic Portillo, Dr. Abreu, Dr. Sidrak, EIAO David Coler, CSI Gianni Cortez, Drake, Administrator Kiecker and CSI Francisco Resto.
Pictured at an Inglewood establishment, seated, from left: CSIs Carlos Pulido, Alejandro Rivera, Martha Clark and Dalinda Maddux; FLS Nashante Barnes; Dr. Eddings; CSI Antonio Zamora.
Standing, from left: CSIs Walter Urenda and Miguel Calderon; Dr. Sidrak; CSIs Jordan Fisher Davis and Andres Viana; Administrator Kiecker; CSIs Kyle Lund, Jecone Trobel, Francisco Flores, Jason Morgan, Phillip Cortez, Jawad Ahktar, Alicia Pinto, Rickey Cox and Brian Takemoto; Dr. Abreu; CSIs Ashley Mason, Nicole Tellez, Oscar Blanquet and Marlon Pala.
Photos by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Fresno, Calif.
On Aug. 21 and 22, Administrator Paul Kiecker visited with inspection staff in the Fresno, Hanford and Bakersfield circuits in Central California to hear about their FSIS experiences and discuss employee development opportunities.
First shift pictured, front row (seated), from left: Alameda District Manager (DM) Dr. Gabby Eddings, Alameda Deputy District Manager (DDM) Dr. Virginia Felix, Supervisory Consumer Safety Inspector (SCSI) Stephanie Galvan, Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Emilia Chavez.
Standing, from left: CSI John Bigger; Office of Field Operations Deputy Assistant Administrator Dr. Hany Sidrak; Labeling and Program Development Staff Director Rosalyn Murphy-Jenkins; Alameda DDM Dr. Gregory Abreu; CSI Ella Wright; Bakersfield Frontline Supervisor (FLS) Dr. Sara Leisgang; CSIs Maria Fernandez, Celeste Becerril Calderon, Jesus Martinez and Victoria Perez; District Veterinary Medical Officer Dr. Mason Blow; Fresno FLS Dr. Ahmed Darwish; CSI Bobby Lee; Enforcement, Investigation and Analysis Officer (EIAO) Jeremiah Cagney; Administrator Kiecker; CSIs Rupinder Kang, Gurinder Boparai and Michael Talley; Hanford FLS Dr. Maredyth Dutton; CSIs Shari Carpenter and Josh Talley; SCSI Francisco Tabares.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Pictured, front row, from left: CSIs Leonel Arteaga and Laura Diaz; SCSI Stephanie Galvan; Dr. Eddings; Dr. Darwish; CSIs Maria Fernandez and Hussein Husseinen.
Back row, from left: CSIs Ubaldo Romo and Rosalva Ochoa; Administrator Kiecker; SCSI Brian Clem; Dr. Sidrak; Dr. Abreu.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Pictured, front row, from left: CSIs Leonel Arteaga and Laura Diaz; SCSI Stephanie Galvan; Dr. Eddings; Dr. Darwish; CSIs Maria Fernandez and Hussein Husseinen.
Back row, from left: CSIs Ubaldo Romo and Rosalva Ochoa; Administrator Kiecker; SCSI Brian Clem; Dr. Sidrak; Dr. Abreu.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Pictured, front row, from left: Dr. Darwish; SCSI Adrian Abella; Food Inspectors (FI) Lorena Zamora and Mayra Vidrio; Dr. Eddings; Dr. Felix; FI Max Mojica.
Back row, from left: Administrator Kiecker, Dr. Sidrak, FI Consuelo Garcia, Dr. Abreu, Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Min Kim, FI Bonnie Villarreal, CSI Kari Elder.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
During the Work Unit Meeting, Administrator Kiecker also presented Length of Service pins and certificates.
Pictured, from left: 5-year CSIs Celeste Becerril Calderon and Victoria Perez; 25-year CSI Josh Talley; Administrator Kiecker.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.