Strategic Planning
The FSIS Strategic Plan is the foundation document for both the long range and day-to-day operations of the Agency. As the public health regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), FSIS is responsible for ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products, and thereby reducing foodborne illness linked to FSIS-regulated products. Our employees work hard every day to conduct a broad range of food safety activities to achieve FSIS’ vision that everyone’s food is safe.
Goal 1: Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect Public Health
Outcome 1.1: Prevent Adulteration and Misbranding
Objective 1.1.1: Strengthen Compliance With Food Safety Statutes and Regulations
Objective 1.1.2: Achieve Pathogen Reduction
Objective 1.1.3: Assure Labeling Is Truthful and Not Misleading
Outcome 1.2: Limit Illness From FSIS-Regulated Products
Objective 1.2.1: Strengthen Food Safety Practices Throughout the Supply Chain
Objective 1.2.2: Enhance Collaborative Response to Foodborne Illness Outbreaks and Other Public Health Incidents
Objective 1.2.3: Raise Consumer Awareness of Food Safety
Goal 2: Transform Inspection Strategies, Policies, and Scientific Approaches to Improve Public Health
- Outcome 2.1: Improve Food Safety Through the Adoption of Innovative Approaches and Technologies
- Objective 2.1.1: Advance and Adopt Innovative Regulatory Policies and Inspection Verification Procedures
- Objective 2.1.2: Foster the Adoption of Advanced Scientific Techniques
- Outcome 2.2: Optimize Data Use at Every Level of Agency Decision Making
- Objective 2.2.1: Improve the Integrity, Accessibility, and Utility of Data
- Objective 2.2.2: Strengthen Data Analyses and Evaluations
- Objective 2.2.3: Optimize the Design of Sampling Programs for Decision Making
Goal 3: Achieve Operational Excellence
- Outcome 3.1: Sustain and Advance an Adaptable, High-Performing, and Engaged Workforce
- Objective 3.1.1: Expand Recruitment and Increase Retention for Mission-Critical Positions
- Objective 3.1.2: Enhance Employee Training and Professional Development
- Objective 3.1.3: Ensure Equal Opportunity, Civil Rights, and Accessibility in the Work Environment
- Outcome 3.2: Optimize Service Delivery
- Objective 3.2.1: Enhance Effectiveness and Efficiency of Key Business Processes
- Objective 3.2.2: Improve Customer Service
- Objective 3.2.3: Transform Business Infrastructure and Information Technology
Past Plans
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) 2017–2021 Strategic Plan builds on prior successes and reflects emerging issues that FSIS faces in ensuring that the food products we regulate are safe to eat. By using cutting-edge yet practical science, enhanced data capabilities, and our employees’ skills and expertise, we will continue to modernize and be more effective in meeting our public health mission.
Summary of the Strategic Framework
Goal 1: Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect Public Health
- Outcome 1.1. Prevent Contamination
- Objective 1.1.1. Drive Compliance With Food Safety Statutes and Regulations
- Objective 1.1.2. Strengthen Sampling Programs
- Objective 1.1.3. Ensure Establishments Are Meeting Pathogen Reduction Performance Standards
- Objective 1.1.4. Promote Food Defense Practices
- Outcome 1.2. Limit Illness From Regulated Products
- Objective 1.2.1. Improve Food Safety at In-Commerce Facilities
- Objective 1.2.2. Enhance Response to Foodborne Illness Outbreaks and Adulteration Events
- Objective 1.2.3. Increase Public Awareness of Recalls, Foodborne Illness, and Safe Food Handling Practices
Goal 2: Modernize Inspection Systems, Policies, and the Use of Scientific Approaches
- Outcome 2.1. Improve Food Safety and Humane Handling Practices Through Adoption of Innovative Approaches
- Objective 2.1.1. Modernize Scientific Techniques and Inspection Procedures
- Objective 2.1.2. Increase Adoption of Humane Handling Best Practices
- Outcome 2.2. Enhance Access To Complete and Accurate Information to Inform Decisions
- Objective 2.2.1. Improve the Reliability, Access, and Timely Collection and Distribution of Information
Goal 3: Achieve Operational Excellence
- Outcome 3.1. Maintain a Well-Trained and Engaged Workforce
- Objective 3.1.1. Improve Recruitment and Retention for Mission Critical Positions
- Objective 3.1.2. Enhance Training and Development Opportunities Across Competency Areas
- Objective 3.1.3. Ensure an Equal Opportunity Environment
- Outcome 3.2. Improved Processes and Services
- Objective 3.2.1. Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness of Key Business Processes and Systems
- Objective 3.2.2. Improve Service Delivery
Related Documents
All FSIS employees are actively engaged in preventing foodborne illness and protecting public health. We are one team, with one purpose, working toward a common and extremely important goal.
As noted by Administrator Al Almanza, "This Strategic Plan encompasses our strategic intentions over the next 5 years, and will serve as a foundation document for both the long-range and day-today operations of the Agency."
A main driver of this 5-year Strategic Plan is the desire for the Agency to continue to be an ever more trusted and successful public health agency—an Agency that adapts to the changing nature of food safety risks.
Summary of the Strategic Framework
Strategic Theme: Prevent Foodborne Illness
- Goal 1: Ensure that food safety inspection aligns with existing and emerging risks
- Goal 2: Maximize domestic and international compliance with food safety policies
- Goal 3: Enhance public education and outreach to improve food-handling practices
- Goal 4: Strengthen collaboration among internal and external stakeholders to prevent foodborne illness
Strategic Theme: Understand and Influence the Farm-to-Table Continuum
- Goal 5: Effectively use science to understand foodborne illness and emerging trends
- Goal 6: Implement effective policies to respond to existing and emerging risks
Strategic Theme: Empower People and Strengthen Infrastructure
- Goal 7: Empower employees with the training, resources, and tools to enable success in protecting public health
- Goal 8: Based on the defined Agency business needs, develop, maintain, and use innovative methodologies, processes, and tools, including PHIS, to protect public health efficiently and effectively and to support defined public health needs and goals
Related Information: Annual Performance Plan
The Annual Performance Plan provides a clear list of Agency priorities and a detailed roadmap of the steps FSIS intends to take during the current fiscal year to achieve its mission.
2016 Annual Performance Plan
2015 Annual Performance Plan
2015 Year In Review

Performance Improvement & Accountability at USDA
Information available on USDA.gov on strategic planning, performance, and financial management across the U.S. Department of Agriculture.