Office of Management (OM)
The Office of Management (OM) delivers a full range of human resources and administrative management services to FSIS. Its HR portfolio spans across the human capital lifecycle, including talent acquisition and sustainment, performance management, workforce planning, personnel suitability and employee/labor relations. Its administrative management portfolio includes acquisition management, real property and fleet management, supply management, safety, physical security and information management services. Additionally, the Significant Incident Preparedness and Response Staff (SIPRS) develops and coordinates all FSIS activities to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from significant incidents. Its SIPRS portfolio is comprised of food defense, emergency management and continuity of operations.
Ms. Rayann BrunnerDirector, Labor and Employee Relations Division (505) 382-0132 Room: 3812, South Building
Ms. Corinne CalhounDirector, Human Resources Business Systems Division (202) 720-4627 Room: 3129, South Building
Ms. Yolanda ChambersDirector, Administrative Services Division (301) 851-4358 Room: 2164, GWCC
Ms. Laura FrantesDirector, Human Resources Operations Division (612) 852-7701 Room: Suite 410, 250 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Mr. James LottDirector, Significant Incident Preparedness and Response Staff (SIPRS) (202) 690-6523 Room: 2129, South Building
Captain Elizabeth Van Dyne, MD, MPHPublic Health Officer (202) 604-3034
Workplace Violence Prevention & Response ProgramFSIS Workplace Violence Prevention Helpline: 1-877-987-3747
Employee Assistance Program1-800-222-0364 (1-888-262-7848 TTY)
Workers' Compensation Program1-877-FSIS-HR1 (1-877-374-7471), OPTION 1, THEN 6, THEN 1