Egg Products Inspection Act
§1031. Congressional statement of findings.
§1032. Congressional declaration of policy.
§1033. Definitions.
§1034. Inspection of egg products.
- (a) Processing operations and establishments subject to coverage; rules and regulations.
- (b) Authority of Secretary to retain, segregate, and reinspect eggs and egg products.
- (c) Condemnation of adulterated products; destruction or reprocessing; procedure upon appeal from determination of adulteration.
- (d) Inspection of business premises, facilities, inventory, operations, and records of egg handlers; inspection of records and inventory of others required to keep records; authority of Secretary of Health and Human Services to inspect food manufacturing establishments, institutions, and restaurants; access to places of business
- (e) Refrigeration and labeling requirements
§1035. Sanitary operating practices in official plants.
- (a) Premises, facilities, and equipment.
- (b) Refusal by Secretary to inspect nonconforming plants.
§1036. Pasteurization and labeling of egg products at official plants.
- (a) Contents of label.
- (b) False or misleading or use of nonapproved labeling or containers; determination by Secretary; procedures applicable; appeal.
§1037. Prohibited acts.
§1038. Cooperation with appropriate State and other governmental agencies; utilization of employees; reimbursement.
§1039. Eggs and egg products not intended for use as human food; inspection; denaturing or otherwise identifying.
§1040. Recordkeeping requirements; persons required to maintain records; scope of disclosure; access to records.
§1041. Enforcement provisions.
- (a) Violations of section 1037; term of imprisonment and fine
- (b) Persons preventing enforcement of chapter; term of imprisonment and fine
- (c) Civil penalty
- (d) Scope of liability for violations of section 1037
- (e) Penalties applicable to carriers or warehousemen
§1042. Reporting of violation to United States attorney for institution of criminal proceedings; procedure; presentation of views.
§1043. Rules and regulations; administration and enforcement.
§1044. Exemption of certain activities.
- (a) Regulation for exemptions.
- (b) Plants located in noncontiguous areas of United States.
- (c) Suspension or termination of exemptions.
§1045. Limitation on entry of eggs and egg products and other materials into official plants.
§1046. Imports.
- (a) Authorization for importation of restricted eggs; prerequisites for importation of egg products; treatment as domestic articles subject to this chapter; marking and labeling exemption for personal consumption.
- (b) Terms and conditions for destruction.
- (c) Payment of storage, cartage, and labor charges by owner or consignee; liens.
- (d) Prohibition.
§1047. Refusal or withdrawal of inspection services; hearing; grounds; person deemed to have responsible connection with business; finality of order of Secretary; judicial review; other provisions for refusal of services unaffected.
§1048. Administrative detention of violative articles; duration; release; removal of official marks.
§1049. Seizure and condemnation proceedings.
- (a) Jurisdiction; disposal of condemned articles; court costs and fees; conformity to supplemental rules for admiralty and maritime claims; jury trial; United States as plaintiff.
- (b) Condemnation or seizure under other provisions unaffected.
§1050. Jurisdiction of district courts; United States as plaintiff in enforcement and restraining proceedings; subpenas for witnesses.
§1051. Other Federal laws applicable for administration and enforcement of chapter; prosecution of inquiries; exercise of jurisdiction.
§1052. State or local regulation.
- (a) Prohibition against additional or different requirements than Federal requirements relating to premises, facilities, and operations at official plants; authority to impose recordkeeping and related requirements consistent with Federal requirements
- (b) Prohibition against additional or different standards than Federal standards of quality, etc., or requiring labeling to show area of production or origin; authority to require name, address, and license number of processor or packer on containers; prohibition against additional or different requirements than Federal requirements relating to labeling, packaging or ingredients; authority to prevent distribution of violative articles; validity of nonconflicting laws
- (c) Applicability of other Federal laws and authority of other Federal officials relating to eggs, egg products, or other food products unaffected; authority of Secretary of Agriculture to regulate official plants processing egg products
- (d) Detainer authority.
§1053. Inspection and administration costs.
- (a) Overtime and holiday work costs; availability of funds.
- (b) "Holiday" defined.
§1054. Annual report to Congressional committees.
§1055. Authorization of appropriations.
§1056. Separability.