Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has primary responsibility for information technology and information management for FSIS. OCIO develops, oversees and implements strategies that improve the efficiency, security and performance of FSIS business technologies, information systems and processes to protect public health.

Mr. Jay SutayeChief Technology Officer (202) 802-0349 Room: 2167, South Building
Mr. Marvin LykesDeputy Assistant CIO/CISO, Security Compliance, Operations and Customer Support Center (202) 515-6115 Room: 2109, GWCC
Ms. Sandra MinorDeputy Assistant CIO, Business Solutions Center (301) 289-9673 Room: 1-2144, GWCC
Mr. Troy WrightDeputy Assistant CIO, Portfolio Governance Center (202) 322-6571 Room: 0168, South Building