Federal Government Closure on Tuesday, December 24, 2024
FSIS Notice
Issue Date
Dec 20, 2024
Expiration Date
Jan 01, 2026
Full Notice
The President has issued an Executive Order that closes all executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government and excuses their employees from duty on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, except those employees who, in the judgment of the head of the Agency, cannot be excused for reasons of national security, defense, or other public need. FSIS program employees who are required to work on December 24, 2024, will receive holiday premium pay, as detailed below. - TIMEKEEPING HOLIDAY INSTRUCTIONS
- Transaction code (TC) 66, Paid Holiday Time Off, will be granted to employees. Employees who cannot be excused are to report to work and will receive holiday premium pay, TC-31.
- Employees with leave scheduled (e.g., annual or sick leave) for December 24, 2024, will not be charged personal leave. Rather, they will be granted paid holiday time off for the time that personal leave was scheduled.
- Full-time employees under a standard work schedule (5 8-hour days/40-hour workweek) are entitled to 8 hours of paid holiday time off if they are excused from work.
- Employees on flexible work schedules (e.g., maxiflex) are entitled to 8 hours of paid holiday time off if they are excused from work. If employees are on a maxiflex schedule, and were not scheduled to work on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 they are to select another day off within the same pay period.
- Employees on compressed schedules, for whom Tuesday, December 24, 2024, is their Scheduled Day Off (SDO), are to observe an in-lieu of holiday on Monday, December 23, 2024, for the number of hours they were scheduled to work. If they are directed to work on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, they will receive holiday premium pay.
- Part-time employees are entitled to a holiday only when the holiday falls on a day when they would otherwise be required to work.
- Employees who have “use or lose” annual leave scheduled for Tuesday, December 24, 2024 are to re-schedule their leave. If they are unable to reschedule their leave, it will be forfeited; the law does not permit restoration of leave under these conditions.
- For inspection program personnel with shifts spanning two calendar days, the December 24, 2024 holiday will be observed on the shift beginning on December 24, 2024.
- No holiday charge should be made to industry for December 24, 2024 because this is not one of the eleven holidays cited in 5 U.S. Code § 6103 - Holidays. However, any time worked outside of the establishment’s normal schedule of operations should be charged as reimbursable overtime (See Attachment 1).
- Any voluntary certification services will only be charged to industry at the appropriate base or overtime rate not the holiday rate. The adjustment will be made by OCFO.
Refer questions to the Office of Human Resources at FSISHR1@usda.gov with the subject “Leave Policy.” For questions related to the recording of billing information contact the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at FSCGeneral@usda.gov.