Ensuring Integrity of Data in the AssuranceNet/In-Commerce System - Revision 2
A. FSIS is reissuing this directive in its entirety to update information related to the AssuranceNet/InCommerce System (ANet/ICS). This directive provides instructions on responsibilities for maintaining the integrity of data in the ANet/ICS. This directive addresses responsibilities for:
- Being complete and accurate in entering information into firm information, surveillance, product control, investigation, enforcement, and other ANet/ICS records;
- Conducting full and complete searches of firm information records and other ANet/ICS records and information; and
- Updating existing firm information records, creating and entering new firm information records, and identifying and removing duplicate firm information records.
B. This directive applies to Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit (OIEA), Compliance and Investigations Division (CID) Investigators and Enforcement and Litigation Division (ELD) Compliance Specialists; Office of Field Operations (OFO) Enforcement, Investigations, and Analysis Officers (EIAO) and District Case Specialists; and other employees who use ANet/ICS.
C. This directive does not cover all ANet/ICS functions or FSIS uses, such as OFO inspection verification and management controls, international equivalency functions, or Office of Policy and Program Development project management. It also does not replace the ANet/ICS User Guides and User Instructions, which provide specific information on how to use the system.
FSIS Directive 8000.1, Revision 1, Ensuring Integrity of Data in the AssuranceNet/In-Commerce System, dated 1/8/13.
A. The ANet/ICS is a critical component of the Agency’s public health infrastructure and supports FSIS and its personnel in carrying out the Agency’s public health mission. ANet/ICS directly supports FSIS surveillance, food defense, product control, investigation, enforcement, and other operational activities. ANet/ICS also provides FSIS with critical data management, reporting, and management control functions to assist the Agency and its managers in monitoring operations and in achieving Agency performance measures and food safety, food defense, and public health goals.
B. The integrity of data in the ANet/ICS is paramount. FSIS decision-makers rely upon the information in ANet/ICS, including data on surveillance, product control actions, investigative findings, and administrative enforcement reports, to support regulatory activities, enforcement actions, allocation of resources, and other mission critical functions. Product control actions, in-commerce surveillance activities, investigations, enforcement actions, and other ANet/ICS records are directly linked to or associated with firm information records. Therefore, it is critical that ANet/ICS users take steps to ensure that data in the system is complete and accurate, and that firm information records are not duplicated.
C. While ANet/ICS users strive to ensure data integrity, users occasionally enter inaccurate data, fail to enter known or relevant data, or create and enter duplicate records. Therefore, this directive provides ANet/ICS users instructions on responsibilities related to data entry, firm information records, and search criteria and instructions on how to prevent the creation and entry of duplicate firm information records.
A. Components and Modules. The ANet/ICS consists of several functional components that support FSIS operations and the Agency’s food safety mission. Each system component in ANet/ICS includes one or more system modules that provide users with the capacity to carry out critical work functions unique to their positions and responsibilities. The components are:
- Assessment Data. The Assessment Data component of ANet/ICS includes the OFO Administrative Enforcement Report (AER), Ante-mortem and Post-mortem Inspection, Food Safety Assessment (FSA), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), In-plant Performance System (IPPS), Supervisory Tool for Assessment Results (STAR), Recall Management, Data Analysis, Administrative (RMA/RMS), and Human Pandemic Influenza modules. Only OFO uses these components. These activities are covered by other FSIS directives (e.g., FSIS Directive 5100.3, Administrative Enforcement Reporting (AER) System; FSIS Directive 5100.4, Prioritized Scheduling of Food Safety Assessments (FSA)).
- In-Commerce Data. The In-Commerce Data component includes the Product Control, Surveillance, Investigation, Enforcement, and the Out-of-Plant Performance System (OPPS) modules. These modules provide the ability to document electronically key information associated with product control actions, surveillance findings, food defense activities, investigations, evidence, and enforcement activities. Currently, OIEA and OFO use the Product Control module; OIEA and some State programs use the Surveillance, Investigation, and Enforcement modules. Only OIEA uses the OPPS module, which contains data associated with the OIEA CID performance assessment tool.
- Firm Information Data. The Firm Information Data component includes the Firm Information module. This module stores key information for each firm in ANet/ICS, including firm (business) name, business type, business tier, registration information, physical address, State, county, latitude/longitude, hours of operation, product information, organization structure, and names of firm owners and managing officials. Firm Information also includes firm history, with hyperlinks to surveillance, product control, investigations, and enforcement records in ANet/ICS associated with a particular firm. OIEA and OFO use Firm Information Data.
- Reminders. The Reminders component provides certain ANet/ICS users the ability to monitor approaching deadlines related to surveillance, product control, supervision, or other program activities. The Reminders function is applicable to a variety of authorized system users.
- Reports. The Reports component of ANet/ICS provides standard, custom, and performance measure reporting tools to support FSIS operations, management controls, and decision-making. The reporting function transforms ANet/ICS data into performance measure reports to assist supervisors and managers in assessing program performance, functions, and control activities. ANet/ICS reporting functions also allow users to produce standard or customized reports on operational data, such as surveillance activities, product control actions, and enforcement actions to assist in operations and decision making. OIEA and OFO users have access to the Reports component, though certain reporting functions are available only to a subset of ANet/ICS users.
NOTE: FSIS Directive 1320.4, Office of Field Operations (OFO) AssuranceNet Data Monitoring Responsibilities, provides further direction to OFO management regarding responsibilities for monitoring ANet/ICS assessment data. FSIS Directive 8010.1, Methodology for Conducting In-Commerce Surveillance Activities, provides further direction to OIEA management regarding responsibilities for monitoring surveillance data.
B. Tabs and Data Fields. Each ANet/ICS module is further divided into a varied number of functional tabs that contain the data fields where OIEA and OFO system users view, enter, create, update, or edit information about a firm or other program activities. For example, the Firm Information module includes tabs for General Info, Owner Info, Managing Officials, Organization Structure, Product Info, and Firm History. The Product Control module includes the Notice of Detention, Notice of Termination of Detention, Personal Use Notice, and Voluntary Destruction of Human Food Notice tabs. Most modules also include a File Attachment tab.
A. User Roles. ANet/ICS is built around a system of user-based roles. These roles provide ANet/ICS users with varied functional abilities dependent upon the user’s identified primary role in the system. These roles are aligned with an individual user’s program area, position, and responsibilities. The ability to view and edit data in records, obtain reports, and perform other work in the system depends on the user’s role. Similarly, the actual components, modules, and tabs viewable to a user depend on the user’s role and program area. There are dozens of user roles in ANet/ICS (e.g., EIAO, District Case Specialist, CID Investigators, CID Regional Director).
B. Workflows. In addition to user roles, some ANet/ICS functions are based on workflows. Generally, workflow is defined as the steps involved in initiating, acting on, and completing an activity. Workflow describes the flow of work for a particular activity. Within ANet/ICS, the system has defined workflows for the Investigation and Enforcement modules. For each record created in these modules, there is a defined set of authorized users who have certain permissions to perform the workflow activities (e.g., assign, review, return, forward, or transfer the record to other specified users and program areas). For example, when a CID Investigator completes an investigation, he or she forwards the investigative record to his or her supervisor for action.
C. Delegation of Authority. ANet/ICS also contains a Delegation of Authority component. This function provides the ability to assign roles to individual users to act in both primary and delegated roles and to delegate temporary authority for specific roles for a set amount of time. The Delegation of Authority function is applicable to the In-Commerce Data and Assessment Data components. Only certain ANet/ICS users, such as OIEA and OFO Directors, managers, and management assistants, have permission to use the Delegation of Authority component. Once a role is delegated to a user, that user has the ability to switch (toggle) between their primary and delegated roles in the system.
A. Draft Records. Each ANet/ICS module has the functionality for drafts. Draft records are created in two ways. First, the system saves records as a draft in the event of a connectivity issue (e.g., power outage, system timeout). Second, users may save records as a draft through the Actions menu. However, users are not to maintain drafts because there are potential data integrity issues. If a user creates a draft, the user is to complete the record and submit it to the system or delete that draft record. If a user has a draft record that is no longer needed, the user should open the draft record and select the ‘Delete’ option in the Actions menu to delete the draft. Users can retrieve a draft record by selecting “Find My Drafts” from the search screen for each module. Draft records can be located in this manner and will not appear in module search results.
B. Record Identifiers. Each ANet/ICS module automatically assigns unique numeric identifiers to each record at the time the record is created. If a record is saved as “Draft,” the number is viewable only by the record creator. Once the record is submitted to the system, the number is viewable by all users. The identifier for the Firm Information module is displayed in the General Info tab. The identifier for all In- Commerce Data modules is located in the Actions menu. ANet/ICS users can use this numeric record identifier to search for records in the system but cannot use this number to search for drafts.
A. State Program Users. FSIS has made certain system functions available to compliance officers and investigators in States that operate meat and poultry inspection systems “at least equal to” Federal requirements (State MPI). Each State MPI that uses ANet/ICS is treated as a unique program area within the system, similar to OIEA or OFO, ensuring separation of system data.
B. Record Access. In ANet/ICS, the ability to access records and the permissions to view and edit data is limited by user roles and workflows according to the users’ program area and position. For example, an OFO user can access firm information and product control records, but she or he cannot access surveillance, investigation, or enforcement records. In addition, permissions to view certain data in open investigation and enforcement records is limited to user roles of the program area conducting workflow actions in the record. A search for investigation and enforcement records will return results with links to records irrespective of the users’ program area. However, when the user clicks on a link for an investigation or enforcement record that is not in the workflow of his or her program area, the user will be able to view only limited information. For example, a state program currently using ICS cannot view an open OIEA investigation or enforcement record. In the Investigation record, the user will be able to view only the General Info and Workflow History tabs. In the Enforcement record, the user will be able to view only the General Info, Associated Case Info, and Workflow History tabs. In this example, OIEA users will be able to view the full record because it is located in the OIEA workflow.
The Agency has prepared User Guides and Online User Instructions to assist all ANet/ICS users in entering information, conducting record searches, and carrying out other work in the system. The User Guides and Online User Instructions are built around system functions and applicability of each program area. Additionally, ANet/ICS users can complete the comprehensive ANet/ICS Click-by-Click training available here. See Chapter VIII for more information on the User Guides, Instructions, and other resources.
A. ANet/ICS users are responsible for appropriate and authorized use of the ANet/ICS and for actions to support and ensure the integrity of ANet/ICS data and records.
B. Users are responsible for following the instructions in this directive for entering data that is complete and accurate, conducting thorough system searches for firm information and other system records before creating new records, taking steps to ensure that data and records are not duplicated, and identifying and removing duplicate records.
A. Before creating a new record in ANet/ICS, users are to:
- Perform an effective search, using the instructions in Chapter IV of this directive, for Firm Information records, Surveillance records, or other system records, as applicable, to ensure that a Firm Information record or other activity record is not already in the system. This practice will help to ensure that Firm Information and other records are not duplicated; and
- Check “Find My Drafts” in ANet/ICS, as applicable, before creating a new record to determine whether the user has already started and saved to the system a draft record of the activity. This practice will help minimize the creation of inaccurate or duplicate records.
B. When creating a new record, updating an existing record, or otherwise entering data into the ANet/ICS, users are to:
- Ensure that all fields within specific modules and tabs are completed with all known or relevant information for the record or for the activity performed, including ensuring that all relevant fields are completed regardless of whether completion of the field is required by ANet/ICS to submit the record to the system;
- Ensure, to the extent possible, that data entered in the system is spelled correctly. Correct spelling is particularly significant when entering firm (business) names, the names of owners and managing officials, and address information, such as name of the City, for firms in Firm Information records. These fields are searchable and are used regularly to find firms and to initiate other system records;
- Enter data using title case or sentence case, as appropriate, for the field being completed. For example, title case – capitalization of principle words - would include entering a firm name such as The Meat Market. Sentence case – the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters typical in a sentence – is appropriate when entering information into comment fields;
NOTE: Search features in the system are not case sensitive, so it does not matter what combination of upper- or lower-case letters is used. Chapter IV, Section II has more information.
4. Use special characters, punctuation, spacing, and abbreviations for firm information fields and other searchable fields only when applicable. Use the special character, punctuation, spacing, or abbreviation when it is part of the firm name (e.g., A&E Meats, Inc.) or the name of an owner or managing official (e.g., Jr. or Sr.). However, users are not to use an abbreviation such as “ARL” for “Arlington” in the City field.
5. Create and enter records only for activities performed (e.g., only create a surveillance record when food safety, food defense, or order verification activities were performed); and
6. Complete forms only for actions that have occurred. For example, do not enter data in the Notice of Detention tab in the Product Control module if a finding of product in violation of the statutes is resolved by voluntary destruction in lieu of a detention action.
C. Periodically, users are to check “Find My Drafts” for draft records that need to be completed and submitted to the system or need to be deleted. This practice will help eliminate the retention of unnecessary draft records, which can burden the system and potentially compromise data integrity. Users can delete draft records by using the drop down selection ‘Delete Draft.’
A. ANet/ICS provides substantial search tools to enable users to find existing Firm Information, Surveillance, Product Control, Investigation, Enforcement, AER, and other system records. Users can conduct searches for records already in ANet/ICS by using the link in the left navigation menu associated with each module (e.g., AER, Firm Information, Product Control, Surveillance, Investigation, Enforcement) under the View/Edit link for the module. This link will open a search screen unique to each module that will allow the user to search for existing records using a variety of search terms and mechanisms.
B. For the Firm Information module, the search mechanism is the Firm Look Up feature. The Firm Look Up allows ANet/ICS users to search by fields such as firm name, address, city, primary business type, and owner, as well as by the firm identifier. The Firm Look Up feature also is available as a link in other modules, such as the Surveillance and Product Control modules.
C. The search function for the other modules varies slightly for each module. The search function for the other modules generally includes the ability to search by the record identifier (e.g., Surveillance record, Investigation record) and, depending on the module, by a variety of other data fields, such as firm name, business type, and primary violator. Users also can use the Firm Look Up link from these modules.
A. The Firm Look Up feature on the View/Edit Firm Information module allows users to search for firms already in the ANet/ICS. Users can conduct searches by using one or a combination of several search fields. Users should begin a search with general words and selections from the drop-down menus. Users can enter additional search criteria to narrow the search until the appropriate record is located. Using this approach allows users to find responsive records. It also helps users avoid overly broad searches, which can yield extensive search results or cause disruption to the system.
B. The Firm Look Up feature is not case-sensitive. Therefore, it does not matter what combination of upper- or lower-case letters the user enters. For example, a search for the word pork in the firm name field returns approximately 100 firm records with pork in the firm name whether the user enters pork, Pork, or PORK in the Firm Name field. However, users are not to use quotation marks when searching in ANet/ICS. For example, users are not to type in “pork” with quotation marks.
C. The Firm Look Up feature is sensitive to special characters (e.g., #, &), punctuation, and spaces. For example, a search for Cliff’s in the firm name field returns 8 firm records, while a search for Cliff in the firm name field returns the same 8 firm records as well as an additional 67 firm records. The system is also sensitive to spaces within firm names (e.g. US Foodservice, U S Foodservice, U.S. Food Service).
D. In some instances, a search for a Firm Name may return over 1,000 firms nationwide, including some that have the name of the firm as part of their Doing Business As name field. Narrowing the search by entering additional search criteria, such as the City or State where the firm is located, will aid in the return of shorter lists of search results.
E. Users can conduct searches in ANet/ICS by entering known address information into the search fields. Searching by address may assist in users finding a firm that may have multiple spellings in the system (e.g. GFS, Gordon Food Service, Gordon Foodservice). When conducting a search using only the address, users should only include street names and not additional information such as street, avenue or boulevard.
F. Generally, when beginning a search for a Firm Information record, users are not to rely on searching simply by geographic area (e.g., State, City, or County). Instead, users are to use general words and drop- down selections as additional search criteria to aid in limiting search results. Searches for all firms in some counties, such as Lawrence County, Kentucky, or Lassen County, California – leaving blank all other fields – will return short lists of firms that are easy to look through to determine whether a particular firm is already in the system. However, a search for all firms in a larger county, such as Jefferson County, Kentucky, returns over 300 firms. To more easily determine whether a particular firm (e.g., Georgetown Meats) in Jefferson County, Kentucky, is already in ANet/ICS, the user may narrow the search by entering Georgetown in the Firm Name field. This search criterion returns a much shorter search results list that includes the firm of interest.
A. Users can conduct searches for other non-firm information records already in ANet/ICS by using the link in the left navigation menu associated with each module (e.g., AER, Firm Information, Product Control, Surveillance, Investigation, Enforcement) under the View/Edit link for the module. Many of the search techniques described for firm information records also are applicable.
B. Each module contains specific search functions relevant to the data fields in each module (e.g., date, firm name, detention code, or primary case type). The search function for the modules includes the ability to search by a variety of other data fields. The one common functionality in all modules is the ability to search by firm name using the Firm Look Up feature.
C. Each Firm Information record includes a Firm History tab that contains links to all actions conducted at that firm. Users can navigate to the Firm Information record using the techniques described above, click on the Firm History tab and select the desired link (e.g., Product Control, Surveillance, Open or Closed with No Action Investigation, Enforcement), which will open the corresponding record.
D. Each activity record (e.g., surveillance record, product control record) automatically is assigned a unique identifier number at the time the record is created. A search for the record can be conducted by entering the identifier number into the appropriate field in the corresponding search screen.
A. Firm Information records are among the most critical records in the ANet/ICS. Some program areas, such as OIEA CID, conduct surveillance activities and make resource decisions based on the business type, business tier, and the number of firms in ANet/ICS. FSIS Directive 8010.1 has additional information on business type, tier, and surveillance priorities. In addition, Product Control, Surveillance, Investigation, and Enforcement records are linked to Firm Information records and identified in the Firm History tab in each Firm Information record. Many Agency decisions that involve enforcement actions are often based on consideration of the compliance history of the firm.
B. The types of firms that are to be entered into ANet/ICS are primarily in-commerce businesses (e.g., warehouses, distributors, transporters, retail stores, custom slaughter/processing facilities). Attachment 1 defines the business types. Typically, only official establishments that are the subject of an OIEA investigation or enforcement action are entered into ANet/ICS. Information on all official establishments is maintained in the Agency’s Public Health Information System (PHIS). It is appropriate for businesses that operate as custom slaughter/processing facilities, including those that may also be federal establishments, to be entered into ANet/ICS.
C. Whenever ANet/ICS users initiate or update surveillance, product control, investigation, enforcement, or other system records, they are to search for the firm in the Firm Information module using effective search techniques as indicated in Chapter IV, Section II of this directive to determine whether the firm already exists in the system.
- If the firm is already in the system, then users are to verify the information and update the data as necessary as indicated in Section II in this chapter of this directive.
- If the firm is not in the system, users are to create a new Firm Information record for the firm and include all known and relevant information in the record as indicated in Section III in this chapter of this directive.
A. When users find a firm that is already in ANet/ICS, they are to
1. Review the information in the firm record and verify that the record is complete, current, and accurate. Users are to check the firm name, address (physical and mailing), county, assignment code, business type, owners, responsible officials, organization structure, product information, and other entries, as appropriate.
NOTE: The Assignment Code block is auto-filled when the correct county is selected. Nonetheless, CID Investigators are to verify the Assignment Code using the Assignment Code Chart located in the ANet/ICS Firm Information module Online User instructions.
2. Make appropriate corrections, changes, or additions to the firm record, if necessary.
3. Enter all known and relevant information for all tabs and fields, including required and non-required fields as applicable when updating the firm record.
4. Document specific corrections, changes, or additions in the Change History tab. For example, instead of stating “Updated Firm Information” be more specific in the action and state “Updated Firm management officials.”
5. Correlate with other program staffs before making corrections, changes, or additions, if necessary, to ensure the correctness of the data.
B. When appropriate, users are to ensure that information needed to identify separation of co-located or similarly-located firms is included in the address fields for the firm record. For example, when two firms are co-located at the same physical address or building, users can ensure that the firms are properly identified and distinguishable in the system by entering any applicable identifying information, such as the suite, floor, or unit number for each firm.
A. If the firm is not already in Firm Information, ANet/ICS users are to create a new Firm Information record for the firm using the New Firm Information link in the left menu.
B. When ANet/ICS users create a new Firm Information record, they are to:
- Enter complete, current, and accurate information in the firm record, including, but not limited to, firm name, physical and mailing address, county, assignment code, business type, owners, responsible officials, organization structure, and product information;
- Enter all known and relevant information for all tabs and fields, including required and non-required fields, as applicable; an
- In some instances, such as transfer of a case file to another region, it is necessary for program personnel to create a new firm record for a business that is not located in their assigned region. Users should then enter only the required fields in Firm Info, such as name and address. In the Organization Structure tab, there is a required field for ‘Official 1.’ If the information is unknown, users should put unknown. Personnel in the receiving Region or program area will complete the Firm Information.
A. While ANet/ICS users strive to ensure data integrity, users occasionally enter the same firm more than once in ANet/ICS, creating a duplicate Firm Information record. Duplication may occur for various reasons, including:
- Failure to conduct a search, conducting an incomplete search, or conducting too narrow search before creating a new firm record;
- Inadvertently creating duplicate records for the same firm because of misunderstanding that a single firm may conduct operations under multiple business names. These businesses names are “also known as” or “doing business as” names; or
- Creating a firm record with misspellings, spacing, or punctuation differences among firm names.
B. As stated in Chapter I, Section V of this directive, Firm Information records are used for operational decisions, management controls, response to natural disasters, enforcement decisions, or other Agency decision-making. Therefore, it is important that firms be entered only once in the system.
C. When users identify duplicate firm records to be deleted in ANet/ICS, they are to:
- Review the firm records to verify that the records are indeed duplicative, as opposed to being two similar but distinct businesses that are co-located, have similar names, or have similar addresses;
- Consider which firm record contains the most complete and accurate information and contains the more complete Firm History, which includes related and linked surveillance, product control, investigations, or enforcement records. Re-associate any links to the firm record that is not marked for deletion using the procedures in the Online User Instructions;
- Determine which program area created the firm records and correlate with that program area, if necessary, before marking a particular firm record for deletion;
- Determine, if the firm records are duplicates, which record should be identified for deletion and do so by putting a check in the “Delete Firm Record?” box on the General Info tab in the Firm Information record; and
NOTE: When users identify a firm for deletion, they are not to change the Primary Business Type to “Inactive – Tier 4”. Chapter VII has more information on inactive firms.
5. Enter a note, once the user has marked a Firm Information record for deletion and has re-associated any records, as necessary, in the Additional Comments box in the Additional Info tab stating why the record is marked for deletion. For example, “Record is a duplicate of Firm ID XXX.”
NOTE: When users identify a firm for deletion or observe that another user has identified a firm for deletion, they are not to initiate any new associated surveillance, product control, investigation, or enforcement records for the record marked for deletion. Instead, users are to associate all activity records to the firm information record that is not marked for deletion.
A. The Management Control and Audit Division (MCAD), in coordination with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), and other appropriate FSIS program staffs (i.e., CID, ELD, or OFO), will periodically review and delete firm information records that users have identified for deletion following standard management procedures developed for this purpose.
B. Before removing any firm records identified for deletion from the system, MCAD, working with OCIO and other OIEA program areas, will verify the transfer of all associated firm history, as necessary and appropriate.
C. Once duplicate removal is complete, the demographic firm information (e.g., name, address) and the Firm Identifier of the duplicate records will be purged from ANet/ICS. As a result, users who fail to find a business with a previously known Firm Identifier are to search for the business using alternative search parameters as laid out in Chapter IV of this directive or in the online user instructions.
A. Users may occasionally identify a firm in ANet/ICS that has never handled meat, poultry, egg products, or shell eggs and does not have the capability to handle meat, poultry, egg products, or shell eggs in the future. These firms should be identified for deletion.
B. After determining that the firm does not handle meat, poultry, egg products, or shell eggs, and does not have the capability of such, the user is to mark the record for deletion by putting a check in the “Delete Firm Record?” box on the General Info tab in the Firm Information record.
C. When a user marks the Firm Information record for deletion, the user is to enter a note in the Additional Comments box in the Additional Info tab stating why the record is marked for deletion. For example, the statement “Firm does not handle meat, poultry, egg products, or shell eggs, and does not have the capability to handle amenable products in the future” (e.g., furniture store or auto parts warehouse) could be entered into the additional information tab.
D. MCAD will delete these records in accordance with the procedures identified in Chapter VI, Section II of this directive.
A. Users may occasionally identify firms that previously handled meat, poultry, egg products, or shell eggs, but are no longer in business. In most situations, these firms are to be identified as “Tier 4 – Inactive.” In some situations, these firms may be identified for deletion.
B. If a firm has a prior history (e.g., surveillance, product control, investigation, enforcement) that FSIS would need to maintain for historical compliance data, the user is to identify the firm as Tier 4 – Inactive. Users are to do this action by updating the primary business type in the Firm Information record to reflect “Inactive” and the secondary business type as the original business type in order to maintain that historical data.
C. If a firm is closed, and there is no indication of business activity or signage on the site that the firm is only temporarily closed, or no indication that it is has moved to another address, the user is to mark the firm for deletion by putting a check in the “Delete Firm Record?” box in the Firm Information Record.
- f a user determines that the business is only temporarily closed or has the capacity to resume handling meat, poultry, egg products, or shell eggs in the future, then the firm record is to be updated to reflect a primary business type of “Inactive.” The secondary business type is then to be updated to reflect the previously documented primary business type.
- If a user determines that the firm has relocated to another address, then the user is to update the Firm Information record to reflect the new address of the firm. All records associated with the former address will change to reflect the new address once information is updated and submitted into ANet/ICS. Therefore, users should enter the old address, as well as the date the firm moved to the new location, in the Additional Comments section.
- If a user determines that there are other ANet/ICS records associated with the firm, then the user is to update the primary business type to reflect “Inactive.” The secondary business type is then to be updated to reflect the previously documented primary business type.
A. The ANet/ICS includes User Guides and Online User Instructions that provide information to assist users in entering information into and in using ANet/ICS. Specific User Guides and User Instructions have been developed for each program area or staff (e.g., OIEA, OFO).
B. The User Guides for each program area describe how ANet/ICS works from a functional and user perspective. The OIEA User Guides are located on InsideFSIS.
C. There are User Instructions within each ANet/ICS module. The User Instructions are specific to each program area. The User Instructions inform OIEA and OFO users about how to view, edit, and submit data into and use ANet/ICS. The User Instructions are located within each module in ANet/ICS.
D. OIEA ANet/ICS users can access comprehensive Click-by-Click training through the ANet/ICS Help section or by clicking here. (To access this link users need an e-authentication account).
E. ANet/ICS users with specific questions regarding their program responsibilities for using the ANet/ICS should review applicable directives or direct questions to their supervisors or program offices.
Users experiencing technical issues with ANet/ICS are to file Footprints requests for action at http://service/footprints. Technical problems may include uploading and downloading attachments, missing records, or system generated error messages. Technical problems do not include assistance with duplicate records, re-associating records, deleting a record or draft records or delegating authority.
Refer questions regarding this directive through supervisory channels.