Electronic Communications Operations Persons (E-COP) Procedures
FSIS directive
Series Type
1000 Series: FSIS Infrastructure
Issue Date
Apr 17, 2023
Full Directive
This directive sets out the procedures Agency program areas are to follow regarding the distribution of emails that are sent to FSIS-All Users via Outlook (e.g., FSIS User Information, Agency Signed Issuances). This directive also sets out the criteria for such emails and establishes an annual FSIS notice that will provide the names and responsibilities of each program area's Electronic Communications Operations Persons (E-COPs). FSIS is reissuing this directive to update the contact information paragraph found in section IV. B. 1. - CANCELLATION
FSIS Directive 1310.1, Electronic Communications Operations Persons (E-COP) Procedures, 12/14/15. - BACKGROUND
There are numerous emails sent to all FSIS employees. FSIS established the E-COP process described in this directive to limit the number of emails sent to FSIS-All Users. Many of the past e- mails sent to FSIS-All Users pertaining to events, announcements, or other topics of interest were more appropriately suited for distribution through an FSIS Notice or the Food for Thought newsletter. - CRITERIA FOR ALL USER NOTICES
- An FSIS User Information email is only to be sent to all employees when:
- Everyone needs to know the information that day. For example, information that the VPN is down; the phone system is not operating; buildings have been closed; the travel system is not operating; or maintenance is being done on systems such as the Public Health Information System or AssuranceNet;
- There is an announcement from the Administrator's or USDA Secretary's office; or
- Other pertinent or urgent information that employees need to know or be reminded about because it may affect their email accounts.
- All FSIS User Information emails are to include the following footers, along with any other important contact information:
- "If you encounter any Information Technology (IT) issues or have questions, please contact the USDA Client Experience Center (CEC) Help Desk by calling 1-877-873-0783, the website https://usdacts.fed.onbmc.com/, Live Chat Now, or emailing CECHelpDesk@usda.gov (email monitored on weekdays only, from 6 AM to 6 PM EST)."
- Information that is relevant to all employees but that is not of an urgent nature is to be announced via an FSIS Issuance (see FSIS Directive 1230.1, FSIS Issuance System) or the Food for Thought newsletter.
- The first announcement for information that requires employees to follow certain instructions (e.g., completing training in AgLearn, coding Time and Attendance records, etc.) is to be in an FSIS Notice or Directive. Subsequent announcements of such information should be submitted to the Food for Thought newsletter (FSISnewsletters@usda.gov), as determined by the program area.
- An FSIS User Information email is only to be sent to all employees when:
- Offices that need to send an email to FSIS-All Users are to contact their program area E-COP.
- To submit a request for an FSIS notice, offices are to send the request to: IssuanceRequest@usda.gov.
- To submit an article to the Food for Thought newsletter, send it to FSISNewsletters@usda.gov. The deadline for submission is Tuesday at noon EST.
- E-COPs are employees who have authorization to send out All User Information emails via Outlook.
- E-COPs are to be readily available and have backups to ensure that urgent notifications are sent in a timely manner.
- Each program area's E-COP is responsible for ensuring that All User Information emails are essential, targeted, necessary for that day, and authorized by their Assistant Administrator.
Refer questions regarding this directive through supervisory channels.