The FSIS Enterprise Governance Decision-Making Process - Revision 2
FSIS directive
Series Type
1000 Series: FSIS Infrastructure
Issue Date
Jul 05, 2023
Full Directive
This directive describes the FSIS' Enterprise Governance (EG) process for presenting issues with Agency-wide implications to the FSIS Management Council (MC) for consideration. The EG process is followed for decision-making purposes and for informational updates. FSIS is reissuing this directive to include the current EG process. - CANCELLATION
FSIS Directive 1040.1, Revision 1 The FSIS Enterprise Governance Decisionmaking Process, dated 9/16/15 - BACKGROUND
- The FSIS Administrator sets the Agency's vision through the FSIS Strategic Plan, and leads the MC in setting related goals and developing strategies to meet them.
- The MC is the decision-making body through which the Agency obtains internal approval and authorization for new investments, projects, proposed policy initiatives, and changes to existing policy decisions and other Agency initiatives that impact FSIS' goals. The MC is informed by the work of the Enterprise Architecture Board (EAB), the Enterprise Investment Board (EIB), and the Enterprise Steering Board (ESB), and their subordinate committees and working groups, which ensure the accuracy and completeness of information presented to MC for consideration.
- All information technology (IT) investments are brought through the FSIS EG process for approval by the MC, which functions as the Agency's Information Technology Investment Review Board (ITIRB) . The MC is responsible for implementing an investment management process that drives budget formulation and execution for all FSIS IT investments. This process supports Departmental policy for establishing and managing USDA's Enterprise Information Technology Governance requirements, objectives, authorities, and roles and responsibilities for major and non-major IT investments. In addition, designated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Chief Information Officer (CIO), the FSIS Assistant Chief Information Officer, and the Mission Area Senior Program Manager (MASPM) are members of the ITIRB for IT investment decisions. Therefore, the USDA CIO (or designee) and MASPM attend MC meetings when IT investments are presented for decisions to ensure that IT investment decisions align with Departmentwide goals and objectives. The ITIRB resides within the Department's Information Resources Management Center, which is available at:
Charters for the EAB, EIB, and ESB can be found on the FSIS Enterprise Governance web page. Recommendations for revisions to EG charters must be agreed upon by all three EG boards before final approval by the FSIS Administrator. - GOVERNANCE BOARDS RESPONSIBILITIES
- The EAB is instituted in compliance with Department Regulation (DR) 3185-001, Enterprise Architecture (EA), which establishes USDA's policy and approach to EA.
- The EAB ensures the existence of an effective EA governance process for FSIS in accordance with FSIS EA principles, providing guidance, and ensuring that EA is integral to and supports EG processes. The EAB reviews, concurs, and recommends the prioritization of IT-related investments. The EAB is also responsible for evaluating and updating FSIS EA. Much of the detailed work required to accomplish these objectives will be performed by the EA staff with the Enterprise Architecture Workgroup, who supports the EAB.
- The EIB assesses, evaluates, reviews, and makes recommendations to the MC regarding resource requirements necessary for conducting the FSIS mission. EIB's review of resource requirements ensures that resources are requested, spent, and reported to the MC in an open and transparent manner. Much of the detailed work required for new FSIS investments is performed by the requesting program area, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), and the EIB's Resources Management Advisory Committee (RMAC).
- The ESB takes the lead role in developing new or revised business practices and policy initiatives that impact multiple program areas, and makes recommendations to the Office of the Administrator (OA) and the MC. The ESB ensures alignment of FSIS initiatives with the Agency's Strategic Plan and other applicable performance measures and requirements. Much of the detailed work required is performed by staff-level workgroups who report to ESB. Business practices and policy initiatives presented to the ESB are briefed to OA prior to being presented to the MC.
- The three Boards (ESB, EIB, EAB) coordinate routinely via Triage Committee meetings between Board Chairs and Executive Secretariats. The Boards are equal entities; however, issues that need substantial consideration related to IT will first be considered by the EAB; issues that constitute substantial investment, or that significantly impact the Agency budget and financial processes, will first be considered by the EIB; issues that substantially impact Agency business practices and policies will first be considered by the ESB. Issues may be presented at one or more Boards, followed by a presentation at a Joint Board or MC; or go directly to Joint Board, then MC. Additional information can be found on the FSIS Enterprise Governance web page.
The Triage Committee is comprised of the EG Board Chairs, and the Executive Secretariats for each Board. The Triage Committee briefs the OA on investments, projects, policy initiatives, and other Agency initiatives that impact FSIS' goals as needed. This Committee meets regularly to discuss new proposals, give status updates, and discuss outstanding Governance matters. - EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT
Each Board Chair is supported by a designated Executive Secretariat (ES), responsible for:- Acting as point of contact for documents and information, detailing mission critical investments, IT investments and requests, business practices and policy initiatives submitted for consideration by the Boards;
- Liaising regularly with Executive Secretariats from other Boards;
- Preparing and distributing meeting agendas;
- Scheduling meetings, recording proceedings, drafting and distributing meeting documentation;
- Recording and documenting recommendations;
- Tracking action plans, with milestones, deliverables, and owners;
- Preparing board presentations, as assigned; and
- Ensuring that MC decisions are informed by the Board's recommendations, are clearly documented, and are kept in a SharePoint site accessible by the MC.
The Triage Committee may schedule a Joint Board meeting on an ad hoc basis when EG issues can be more expediently addressed, for example when budget or Departmental policy decisions require a quick turnaround time. The Joint Board consists of all three Governance Boards meeting at once. Upon approval of the Joint Board, one or more board chairs can bring issues directly to the MC. The Joint Board meetings may be chaired by any of the three board chairs, or jointly by more than one chair. - QUESTIONS
Refer questions to the ES of the ESB, EAB, or EIB at