2025 Rate Changes for the Basetime, Overtime, Holiday, Laboratory Services, and Export Application Fees
Edited January 2025.
FSIS is announcing the 2025 rates it will charge meat, poultry, and egg products establishments, and importers and exporters for providing voluntary, overtime, and holiday inspection and identification, certification, and laboratory services. Additionally, FSIS is announcing a change to the fee FSIS assesses to exporters that choose to apply for export certificates electronically through the export component of the Agency's Public Health Information System. The 2025 basetime, overtime, holiday, and laboratory services rates will be applied on January 12, 2025.
FSIS will charge the rates announced in this notice beginning January 12, 2025.
For further information contact Michael Toner, Director, Budget Division, Office of the Chief Financial Officer; email: Michael.toner@usda.gov, telephone:(202) 365-1352.
On April 12, 2011, FSIS published a final rule amending its regulations to establish formulas for calculating the rates it charges meat, poultry, and egg products establishments and importers and exporters for providing voluntary, overtime, and holiday inspection and identification, certification, and laboratory services (76 FR 20220). In the final rule, FSIS stated that it would use the formulas to calculate the annual rates, publish the rates in Federal Register notices prior to the start of each calendar year, and apply the rates on the first FSIS pay period at the beginning of the calendar year. This notice provides the 2025 rates, which will be applied starting on January 12, 2025.
Export Component
On September 6, 2017, FSIS published the Federal Register notice, Public Health Information System (PHIS) Export Component Country Implementation (82 FR 42056). The notice announced the delayed implementation of the export component to ensure sufficient testing and outreach to stakeholders and that the application fee would be recalculated based on available costs and number of applications but would not be assessed prior to January 1, 2019. In addition, FSIS announced that it would implement the PHIS Export Component with a limited number of countries and gradually expand implementation to additional countries.
On April 29, 2019, FSIS published the Federal Register notice, Public Health Information System Export Component Fee (84 FR 17999). The notice announced that starting June 1, 2019, FSIS would assess a fee of $4.01 to exporters that chose to apply for export certificates electronically through the export component of PHIS. As noted below, the application fee has been recalculated based on updated costs and number of applications.
2025 Rates and Calculations
The following table lists the 2025 Rates per hour, per employee, by type of service:
Service | 2025 rate (estimates rounded to reflect billable quarter hour) |
Basetime | $73.04 |
Overtime | 89.68 |
Holiday | 106.32 |
Laboratory | 105.68 |
Export Application | 4.83 * |
* Per application.
The regulations that cover these fees (other than the export application fee) state that FSIS will calculate the rates using formulas that include the Office of Field Operations (OFO) inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's regular direct pay and regular hours (9 CFR 391.2, 391.3, 391.4, 590.126, 590.128, 592.510, 592.520, and 592.530). The final rates have been rounded to make the amount divisible by the quarter hour (15 minutes). Fifteen minutes is the minimum charge for the services covered by these rates.
FSIS determined the 2025 rates using the following calculations:
Basetime Rate = The quotient of dividing the OFO inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's regular direct pay by the previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus the quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of cost-of-living increase, plus the benefits rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the overhead rate, plus the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2025 basetime rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 OFO Regular Direct Pay divided by the previous fiscal year's Regular Hours ($488,399,073/14,973,938)] = $32.62 + ($32.62 * 2.0% (calendar year 2025 Cost of Living Increase)) = $33.27 + $13.34 (benefits rate) + $2.91 (travel and operating rate) + $23.53(overhead rate) + $0.02 (bad debt allowance rate) = $73.05, rounded down to $73.04, so that it is divisible by 4.
Overtime Rate = The quotient of dividing the OFO inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's regular direct pay by the previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus that quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of cost-of-living increase, multiplied by 1.5 (for overtime), plus the benefits rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the overhead rate, plus the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2025 overtime rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 OFO Regular Direct Pay divided by previous fiscal year's Regular Hours ($488,399,073/14,973,938)] = $32.62 + ($32.62 * 2.0% (calendar year 2025 Cost of Living Increase)) = $33.27 * 1.5 = $49.90 + $13.34 (benefits rate) + $2.91 (travel and operating rate) + $23.53(overhead rate) + $0.02(bad debt allowance rate) = $89.68, which is divisible by 4.
Holiday Rate = The quotient of dividing the OFO inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's regular direct pay by the previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus that quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of cost-of-living increase, multiplied by 2 (for holiday pay), plus the benefits rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the overhead rate, plus the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2025 holiday rate per hour per program employee calculation is:
[FY 2024 OFO Regular Direct Pay divided by previous fiscal year's Regular Hours ($488,399,073/14,973,938)] = $32.62 + ($32.62 * 2.0% (calendar year 2025 Cost of Living Increase)) = $33.27 * 2 = $66.54 + $13.34 (benefits rate) + $2.91 (travel and operating rate) + $23.53(overhead rate) + $0.02(bad debt allowance rate) = $106.32, which is divisible by 4.
Laboratory Services Rate = The quotient of dividing the Office of Public Health Science (OPHS) previous fiscal year's regular direct pay by the OPHS previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus the quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage cost of living increase, plus the benefits rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the overhead rate, plus the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2025 laboratory services rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 OPHS Regular Direct Pay/OPHS Regular hours ($28,720,306/444,635)] = $64.59 + ($64.59 * 2.0% (calendar year 2025 Cost of Living Increase)) = $65.88 + $13.34 (benefits rate) + $2.91 (travel and operating rate) + $23.53 (overhead rate) + $0.02 (bad debt allowance rate) = $105.67, rounded up to $105.68, so that it is divisible by 4.
Calculations for the Benefits, Travel and Operating, Overhead, and Allowance for Bad Debt Rates
These rates are components of the basetime, overtime, holiday, and laboratory services rates formulas.
Benefits Rate: The quotient of dividing the previous fiscal year's direct benefits costs by the previous fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday), plus that quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage cost of living increase. Some examples of direct benefits are health insurance, retirement, life insurance, and Thrift Savings Plan basic and matching contributions.
The calculation for the 2025 benefits rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 Direct Benefits/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime hours + Total Holiday hours) ($235,393,201/17,994,567)] = $13.08 + ($13.08 * 2.0% (calendar year 2025 Cost of Living Increase)) = $13.34.
Travel and Operating Rate: The quotient of dividing the previous fiscal year's total direct travel and operating costs by the previous fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday), plus that quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of inflation.
The calculation for the 2025 travel and operating rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 Total Direct Travel and Operating Costs/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime hours + Total Holiday hours) ($51,107,348/17,994,567)] = $2.84 + ($2.84 * 2.023% (2025 Inflation) = $2.91.
Overhead Rate: The quotient of dividing the previous fiscal year's indirect costs plus the previous fiscal year's information technology (IT) costs in the Public Health Data Communication Infrastructure System Fund plus the provision for the operating balance less any Greenbook costs ( i.e., costs of USDA support services prorated to the service component for which fees are charged) that are not related to food inspection by the previous fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday) worked across all funds, plus the quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of inflation.
The calculation for the 2025 overhead rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 Total Overhead/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime hours + Total Holiday hours) ($ 413,946,871/17,994,567)] = $23.00 + ($23.00 * 2.023% (2025 Inflation) = $23.53.
Allowance for Bad Debt Rate = Previous fiscal year's total allowance for bad debt (for example, debt owed for overtime and holiday inspection services that is not paid in full by establishments that declare bankruptcy) divided by previous fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday) worked.
The 2025 calculation for bad debt rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2024 Total Bad Debt/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime hours + Total Holiday hours) = ($390,688/17,994,564)] = $0.02.
2025 Electronic Export Application Fee
As published in FSIS' final rule, Electronic Export Application and Certification Charge; Flexibility in the Requirements for Export Inspection Marks, Devices, and Certificates; Egg Products Export Certification (81 FR 42225), the Electronic Export Application Fee Formula is:
[Labor Cost (Technical Support + Export Library Maintenance) + IT Cost (Ongoing Operations and Maintenance + eAuthentication [1])]/ [Number of Export Applications]
FSIS stated in the 2016 final rule (81 FR 42225) and the 2017 Federal Register notice (82 FR 42056) that it would update and recalculate the fee based on the best available estimates for costs and number of applications. As of November 2024, most countries have been included in the export component. Therefore, FSIS is able to accurately estimate the number of export applications (the denominator in the formula) and update costs to include the transition from eAuthentication to Login.gov. The electronic export application fee has been changed to $4.83 for 2025.
The 2025 Electronic Export Application Fee:
[Labor Cost ($590,070 + ($191,050)) + IT Cost ($1,620,000 + $24,000)]/501,984 = $4.83
Additional Public Notification
Public awareness of all segments of rulemaking and policy development is important. Consequently, FSIS will announce this Federal Register publication on-line through the FSIS web page located at: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/federal-register.
FSIS will also announce and provide a link through the FSIS Constituent Update, which is used to provide information regarding FSIS policies, procedures, regulations, Federal Register notices, FSIS public meetings, and other types of information that could affect or would be of interest to our constituents and stakeholders. The Constituent Update is available on the FSIS web page. In addition, FSIS offers an email subscription service which provides automatic and customized access to selected food safety news and information. This service is available at: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/subscribe. Options range from recalls to export information, regulations, directives, and notices. Customers can add or delete subscriptions themselves and have the option to password protect their accounts.
Done at Washington, DC.
Denise Eblen,
1. As of September 2024, Login.gov accounts are required by all public customers to access USDA websites and applications, i.e., FSIS' PHIS. More information can be found on the USDA eAuth FAQ's page at: https://www.eauth.usda.gov/eauth/b/usda/faq.
[FR Doc. 2024-31145 Filed 12-27-24; 8:45 am]