Constituent Update - September 1, 2023
Keep Foodborne Illness in the Rearview Mirror this Labor Day Weekend
When you hit the road for that one last camping trip or beach day this Labor Day weekend, bring food safety along to keep foodborne illness in the rearview mirror. To ensure your experience stays foodborne illness free, follow the top 10 Labor Day food safety tips for travelers.
Have questions about how to best prepare for your hiking or camping adventure? Call or email the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline to get advice from a food safety expert: 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854) or MPHotline@usda.gov.
Available for Public Comment
FSIS seeks public comments on proposed rules and notices, which are viewable on the FSIS Federal Register & Rulemaking webpage. FSIS is currently seeking comments on the following:
Policy Update
FSIS notices and directives on public health and regulatory issues are available on the FSIS Policy webpage. The following policy update was recently issued:
FSIS Notice 44-23 - Restoration of Forfeited Annual Leave
FSIS Notice 43-23 - Special Leave Accrual Provisions for Pay Period 26
Export Requirements Update
The Library of Export Requirements has been updated for products for the following:
- New Zealand
- Kazakhstan
- Honduras
- Costa Rica
- Nicaragua
- Guatemala
- El Salvador
- Turks & Caicos Islands
- Curacao
- St. Lucia
- European Union
- Ecuador
- Uruguay
- Colombia
- Canada
- Japan
- China
- Korea
Complete information can be found at the FSIS Import & Export Library.