Constituent Update - July 21, 2023
FSIS Extends Comment Period on Proposed Determination: Salmonella in Not-Ready-To-Eat Breaded Stuffed Chicken Products
FSIS is extending the comment period on the proposed determination titled Salmonella in Not-Ready-To-Eat Breaded Stuffed Chicken Products. Published on April 28, 2023, the deadline for comments was originally June 27, 2023. Then, as announced in the May 12, 2023, Constituent Update, FSIS extended the deadline until July 27, 2023. The proposed determination will now be open for comments for an additional 15 days until August 11, 2023.
In the June 23, 2023, Constituent Update, FSIS announced the release of a study on Salmonella in NRTE breaded stuffed chicken products purchased at retail stores. FSIS is extending the comment period in response to a joint request from industry associations for additional time to analyze the results of the study and formulate comments on the impact to the proposal.
Comments may be submitted online via the federal eRulemaking portal, available at www.regulations.gov; by mail sent to Docket Clerk, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Mailstop 3758, Washington, DC 20250-3700; or by hand or courier delivery to 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Jamie L. Whitten Building, Room 350-E, Washington, DC 20250-3700. All items submitted by mail or electronic mail must include the agency name and docket number FSIS-2022-0013.
Updates to USDA eAuthentication Login
The USDA eAuthentication Service is launching a new login page and partnering with Login.gov to provide easy-to-use and secure online access to USDA programs and services. The transition to Login.gov will be implemented in a phased approach, with phase one scheduled to begin the evening of July 24, 2023. The use of Login.gov will be optional for existing eAuth customer account holders during this phase. All eAuth customer accounts will eventually need to transition to Login.gov at a future date.
Login.gov is a shared service trusted by government agencies that allows the public to use one account and password for multiple participating government agencies. You can use the same username and password to access any agency that partners with Login.gov. In addition to your password, you will be required to set up at least one authentication method to keep your account secure, also known as multi-factor authentication (MFA). Login.gov uses MFA as an added layer of protection to secure your information. It is recommended that you begin using Login.gov when accessing USDA applications to enable the use of MFA as soon as possible.
To learn more about USDA’s transition to Login.gov, visit our eAuth Frequently Asked Questions and Coming Soon web page. Please visit the Login.gov website for more information.
Don’t Flunk Food Safety This School Year
A healthy meal is more than selecting nutritious foods; it also includes safe food handling from the moment it’s being prepared and up until lunchtime. Would you pass or fail the safe lunch packing test? The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has four tips for parents and caregivers to get an easy A+ in food safety this school year.
For more food safety information, reach out to the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Save the number and email as a contact in your phone—1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854), MPHotline@usda.gov and bookmark ask.usda.gov on your web browser to access the live chat feature.
Available for Public Comment
FSIS seeks public comments on proposed rules and notices, which are viewable on the FSIS Federal Register & Rulemaking webpage. FSIS is currently seeking comments on the following:
- Until August 11: Salmonella in Not-Ready-To-Eat Breaded Stuffed Chicken Products
- Until August 29: Notice of Request To Revise an Approved Information Collection: Accreditation of Laboratories, Transactions and Exemptions
- Until September 11: Notice of Request for a New Information Collection: Qualitative Research on Food Safety Behaviors Among Parents and Caregivers Who Prepare Meals for Minors or Older Adults. In Depth Interview Research
Policy Update
FSIS notices and directives on public health and regulatory issues are available on the FSIS Policy webpage. The following policy update was recently issued:
FSIS Notice 36-23 - Questionnaire for Raised without Antibiotics Special Labeling Claims on Beef
FSIS Notice 35-23 - Fiscal Year 2023 – Student Loan Repayment Program for In-Plant Veterinary Medical Officers– Application Timeframe
FSIS Directive 4630.2 - Leave - Revision 3
FSIS Directive 4335.8- Interview Policy
Export Requirements Update
The Library of Export Requirements has been updated for products for the following:
- Canada
- Japan
- Taiwan
- Azerbaijan
Complete information can be found at the FSIS Import & Export Library.