FSIS Programs & Offices
Office of Food Safety (OFS)
The Office of Food Safety (OFS) is the USDA mission area that houses the Under Secretary for Food Safety and is charged with carrying out the Administration’s food safety priorities. Working closely with stakeholders and food safety partners across government, OFS provides leadership and vision...
Office of the Administrator (OA)
The Office of the Administrator (OA) is responsible for carrying out the full mission of the Agency, including all inspection, regulatory and non-regulatory activities, and ensuring that FSIS accomplishes the goals and objectives in its Strategic Plan. OA represents the Agency to the Office of...
Office of Field Operations (OFO)
The Office of Field Operations (OFO) is the largest program in FSIS, responsible for managing and administering the nation’s meat, poultry and egg products inspection and verification program. Organized into 10 District Offices nationwide, OFO carries out FSIS’ food safety mission in processing and slaughter...
Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit (OIEA)
The Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit (OIEA) conducts surveillance and investigation of regulated and in-commerce meat, poultry and egg products facilities; investigation of foodborne illness outbreaks; response to natural disaster and intentional contamination events; execution and application of enforcement of FSIS criminal, civil and...
Office of Public Health Science (OPHS)
The Office of Public Health Science (OPHS) is responsible for collecting, analyzing and reporting scientific information. OPHS scientists develop science-based and data driven advice and recommendations (including risk assessments) for use by Agency decision makers. OPHS oversees three Field Service Laboratories, which analyze samples collected...
Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD)
The Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD) is responsible for developing and publishing all policy for the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). OPPD also develops and publishes all instructions to the field necessary to implement policy. In addition, OPPD develops guidance for industry...
Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) has responsibility for budget and financial management in FSIS. OCFO leads development of financial policy, manages accounting systems and financial reporting to support FSIS' public health objectives. NOTE: For delinquent debts referred to the US Treasury, payments...
Office of International Coordination (OIC)
The Office of International Coordination (OIC) oversees and coordinates all of the agency’s international activities related to public health and food safety. It also represents FSIS in contacts with other U.S. government agencies and foreign governments on technical issues pertaining to the import and export...
Office of Employee Experience and Development (OEED)
The Office of Employee Experience and Development (OEED) is responsible for employee development, education and training programs designed to ensure public health and food safety through both inspection and enforcement. It is also responsible for employee engagement activities such as i-Impact, the Federal Employee Viewpoint...
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has primary responsibility for information technology and information management for FSIS. OCIO develops, oversees and implements strategies that improve the efficiency, security and performance of FSIS business technologies, information systems and processes to protect public health.
Office of Management (OM)
The Office of Management (OM) delivers a full range of human resources and administrative management services to FSIS. Its HR portfolio spans across the human capital lifecycle, including talent acquisition and sustainment, performance management, workforce planning, personnel suitability and employee/labor relations. Its administrative management portfolio...
Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE)
The Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE) ensures that the Agency’s food safety information reaches external stakeholders, public health partners and all Agency employees. OPACE works to inform the public, members of Congress and USDA regulated industries of vital food safety policies or...
Internal Affairs (IA)
Internal Affairs (IA) is responsible for conducting investigations of employee misconduct and for performing inquiries related to allegations of fraud, waste and mismanagement of Agency programs. IA also coordinates Office of the Inspector General whistleblower and hotline referrals on behalf of FSIS.
Office of Planning, Analysis and Risk Management (OPARM)
The Office of Planning, Analysis and Risk Management (OPARM) supports food safety and protects public health through strategic planning, evaluation, data analysis and visualization, as well as enterprise risk management and internal controls Agency-wide.
Civil Rights Staff
The Civil Rights Staff (CRS) provides advice, guidance and assistance on the implementation and management of, and compliance with, Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights programs, with a goal of ensuring fair and equal treatment to internal and external customers. The staff also conducts mediation...