Journal Publications
Scientific Literature
- Huang, L., Ahmad, N. H., Juneja, V., Stapp-Kamotani, E., Gabiola, J., Minocha, U., Phillips, R., Hooker, M., Walls, I., Cook, K., Lindsay, J., 2024. Growth kinetics of Bacillus cytotoxicus in liquid egg yolk during treatment with phospholipase A2 - A one-step global dynamic analysis. Food Microbiology, 118, 104420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2023.104420
- Luchansky, J. B., Barlow, K., Webb, B., Beczkiewicz, A., Merrill, B., Vinyard, B. T., Shane, L. E., Shoyer, B. A., Osoria, M., Campano, S. G., Porto-Fett, A. C.S., 2024. Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. During Cooking of Country Ham and Fate of L. monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus During Storage of Country Ham Slices. Journal of Food Protection 87, 100222. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2024.100222
- Lupton, S. J., Ochoa, C., Domesle, A. & Duverna, R. (2024) Dietary exposure levels to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and non-ortho-polychlorinated biphenyls in US meat, poultry and siluriform fish from 2018 to 2019, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2024.2306924 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2024.2306924
- Powell, M. R. and Williams, M. S. 2024. Trends in Salmonella Infantis human illness incidence and chicken carcass prevalence in the United States; 1996–2019. Risk Analysis, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.14311
- Richards, A. K., Siceloff, A. T., Simmons, M., Tillman, G. E., Shariat, N. W., 2024. Poultry Processing Interventions Reduce Salmonella Serovar Complexity on Postchill Young Chicken Carcasses as Determined by Deep Serotyping. Journal of Food Protection, 87, 100208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2023.100208
- Soku, Y. K., Mohamed, A., Samuel, T., Dessai, U., Walls, I., Rockwell, C., Fortenberry, G., Berutti, T., Nieves-Miranda, S., Nawrocki, E. M., Fu, Y., Dudley, E., Mamber, S. W., Hicks, J., 2024. A Comparative Study on Antimicrobial Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated from Channel Catfish and Related Freshwater Fish Species, Journal of Food Protection, 87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2023.100192.
- Weyrauch, K., Duverna, R., Sisco, P. N., Domesle, A., Bilanovic, I., 2024. A survey of the levels of selected metals in U.S. meat, poultry and Siluriformes fish samples taken at slaughter and retail, 2017-2022, Journal of Food Protection (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2024.100243.
- Canning, M., Birhane, M. G., Dewey-Mattia, D., Lawinger, H., Cote, A., Gieraltowski, L., Schwensohn, C., Tagg, K. A., Francois Watkins, L. K., Robyn, M. P., Marshall, K. E., 2023. Salmonella outbreaks linked to beef, United States. J. Food Protection 86, 100071. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2023.100071
- Ford L., Buuck S., Eisenstein T., Cote, A., McCormic, Z. D., Kremer-Caldwell, S., Kissler, B., Forstner, M., Sorenson, A., Wise, M. E., Smith, K., Medus, C., Griffin, P. M., Robyn, M., 2023. Salmonella Outbreaks Associated with Not Ready-to-Eat Breaded, Stuffed Chicken Products — United States, 1998–2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:484–487. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7218a2.
- Johnston, J. J., Ebel, E. D., Williams, M. S., Esteban, E., Lupton, S. J., Scholljegerdes, E. J., Ivey, S. L., Powell, M. R., & Smith, D. J. (2023). Blood-Based Ante-Mortem Method for Estimating PFOS in Beef from Contaminated Dairy Cattle. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, 3(10), 835-844. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsagscitech.3c00102
- Richards A. K., Siceloff A. T., Simmons M, Tillman G. E., Shariat N.W. 2023. Poultry processing interventions reduce Salmonella serovar complexity on post-chill young chicken carcasses as determined by deep serotyping. J Food Prot. 100208. doi: 10.1016/j.jfp.2023.100208. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0362028X23068928
- Ebel E., Kause J., Williams M., Schlosser W., Defibaugh-Chavez S., Tameru B. 2022. A quantitative risk metric to support individual sanitary measure reviews in international trade. International Journal of Food Microbiology 369, 109616.
- Harrison, L., Tyson, G. H., Strain, E., Lindsey, R. L., Strockbine, N., Ceric, O., Fortenberry, G. Z., Harris, B., Shaw, S., Tillman, G., Zhao, S. and Dessai, U. 2022. Use of Large-Scale Genomics to Identify the Role of Animals and Foods as Potential Sources of Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli That Cause Human Illness. Foods. 2022 Jul 3;11(13):1975. DOI: 10.3390/foods11131975.
- Tate H, Hsu CH, Chen JC, Han J, Foley SL, Folster JP, Francois Watkins LK, Reynolds J, Tillman GE, Nyirabahizi E, Zhao S. 2022. Genomic Diversity, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Virulence Gene Profiles of Salmonella Serovar Kentucky Isolated from Humans, Food, and Animal Ceca Content Sources in the United States. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease,19(8):509-521. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/fpd.2022.0005
- Williams M., Ebel E., Golden N., Saini G., Nyirabahizi E., Clinch, N. 2022. Assessing the effectiveness of performance standards for Salmonella contamination of chicken parts. International Journal of Food Microbiology 378, 109801.
- Williams, M. S., & Ebel, E. D. (2022). Temporal changes in the proportion of Salmonella outbreaks associated with 12 food commodity groups in the United States. Epidemiology and Infection, 150, E126. DOI: 10.1017/S0950268822001042.
- Bosilevac, J., Scott, M., Tankson, J. 2021. Assessing Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in FSIS Regulatory Pork Samples. IAFP. Volume 84, page 56.
- Carter, J. M., Abdelmajid, N., Gonzalez-Rivera, C., Kremer-Caldwell, S., Seys, S. A., Whitaker, R. 2021. Effects of Antimicrobial Interventions on Indicator Organisms during Beef Slaughter and Dressing. Journal of Food Protection. Volume 84, No. 4, 664-673.
- Chen, W., Levine, J. 2021. Salmonella Serotypes from FSIS Samples Linked to Outbreaks. IAFP. Volume 84, page 34.
- Day, M., Hammons, S., Rozier, L., Scott, M., Tillman, G., Simmons, M., Shaw, W. 2021. Aligning Confirmation Criteria for E. coli O157:H7 and the "top-six" non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). IAFP. Volume 84, pages 59-60.
- Domesle, A., Duverna, R., Ochoa, C. 2021. Monitoring Environmental Contaminants in Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products. IAFP. Volume 84, page 192.
- Harrison, L., Mukherjee, S., Hsu, C-H, Young, S., Strain, E., Zhang, Q., Tillman, G. E., Morales, C., Haro, J. and Zhao, S. 2021. Core Genome MLST for Source Attribution of Campylobacter coli. Front. Microbiol. 12:703890. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.703890 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.703890/full
- Kause, J., Ebel, E., Schlosser, W., Williams, M., Tameru, B., Defibaugh-Chavez, S. 2021. Developing a New Quantitative Risk Metric Tool to Support Individual Sanitary Measure Equivalence Reviews. IAFP. Volume 84, page 59.
- Kremer-Caldwell, S., McMillan, S., Good, L. 2021. Effect of Antimicrobial Interventions on Salmonella Percent Positive in Raw Poultry Slaughter Establishments. IAFP. Volume 84, page 54.
- Lenov, I., Domesle, A., Esteban, E. 2021. Continued Monitoring of PFAS in U.S. Food Supply. IAFP. Volume 84, page 96.
- Li, C., Tyson, G. H., Hsu, C.-H., Harrison, L., Strain, E., Tran, T.-T., Tillman, G. E., Dessai, U., McDermott, P. F. and Zhao, S. 2021. Long-Read Sequencing Reveals Evolution and Acquisition of Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Genes in Salmonella enterica. Front. Microbiol.
- Mamber, S., Barlow, K., Collaro, T. 2021. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Occurrence in Raw Ground Beef Samples Collected at Retail. IAFP. Volume 84, page 113.
- Mamber, S., Scott, M., Hammons, S. 2021. Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Recovered from Verification Sampling of Raw Beef Products Collected by the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service. IAFP. Volume 84, page 196.
- Rockwell, C., Dessai, U., Shaw, S., Fortenberry, G., Hendricks, K., Dunham, A., Whitaker, R., Berhanu, T., Ben-Ghaly, L., Taylor, T., Haro, J., Pretecrum, S. 2021. Salmonella Isolates and Antimicrobial-resistance Trends in FSIS Sampling for the National Antimicrobial-resistance Monitoring System (NARMS), 2014-2019. IAFP. Volume 84, page 197.
- Schlosser, W., Saini, G., Duverna, R., Stapp-Kamotani, E., Despero, S. 2021. FSIS Siluriformes Sampling at Five Years. IAFP. Volume 84, page 195.
- Simmons, M., Wasilenko, J., Ben-Ghaly, L., Manis, L., Shaw, W., Dessai, U., Fortenberry, G., Shawwa, S., Tillman, G. 2021. NARMS Expansion Project: Exploring Salmonella Isolates from Cattle Lymph Nodes in FSIS. IAFP. Volume 84, page 56.
- Tillman, G., Wasilenko, J., Simmons, M., Beacorn, F., Ben-Ghaly, L., Shaw, W., McMillan, E., Frye, J., Tyson, G., Folster, J. 2021. Expansion of Salmonella Infantis pESI plasmid to Additional Salmonella Serotypes. IAFP. Volume 84, page 71.
- Wasilenko, J., Simmons, M., Hammons, S., Scott, M., Day, M., Shaw, W., Tillman, G. 2021. Risk Ranking of FSIS Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Based on Virulence Genes. IAFP. Volume 84, page 59.
- Williams, M. S., Ebel, E. D., and Nyirabahizj, E, 2021. Comparative history of Campylobacter contamination on chicken meat and campylobacteriosis cases in the United States: 1994-2018. International Journal of Food Microbiology 342, 109075.
- Bernstein, C., Shumaker, E., Cates, S., Shelley, L., Goulter, R., Goodson, L., Kirchner, M., Sander., C., Jaykus, L., Chapman, B. 2020. Consumer Preparation and Thermometer Use for Cooking Not-Ready-to-Eat Frozen, Breaded Poultry Products and Vegetables: Findings from an Observational Study. IAFP. Volume 83, page 55.
- Domesle, A., Esteban J., Lenov, I. 2020. Detection and Monitoring of 16 PFAS in Beef. IAFP. Volume 83, page 74.
- Domesle, A., Ou, O., Johnston, J., Flynn, E., Sisco, P., Duverna, R. 2020. Monitoring and Evaluation of 18 Different Metals in U.S. Meat and Poultry. IAFP. Volume 83, page 73.
- Duong, M., Shumaker, E. T., Cates, S. C., Shelley, L., Goodson, L., Bernstein, C., Lavallee, A., Kirchner, M., Goulter, R., Jaykus, L. A., Chapman, B. 2020. An Observational Study of Thermometer Use by Consumers When Preparing Ground Turkey Patties. Journal of Food Protection. Volume 83, Issue 7.
- Ebel, E. D., Williams, M. S.,, Amann, D. M., 2020. Quantifying the effects of reducing sample size on 2-class attributes sampling plans: Implications for United States poultry performance standards. Food Control: Volume 111, May 2020, 107068
- Hretz, S. 2020. Comparison in the Recovery of Campylobacter from Poultry Establishments Using Direct Plating Versus Enrichment Methodologies: Amplified Population or Expanded Population? IAFP. Volume 83, page 107.
- Johnston, J., Duverna, R., Williams, M., Kishore, R., Yee, C., Jarosh, J. 2020. Investigating the Suitability of Semicarbazide as an Indicator of Preharvest Nitrofurazone Use in Raw Chicken. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 83, No. 8, 2020, Pages 1368-1373.
- Mamber, S., Mohr, T., Leathers, C., Mbandi, E., Bronstein, P. A., Barlow, K., Silverman, M., Aston, C., Izsak, Y., Saini, N.S., LaBarre, D., Minocha, U., Smedra, J., Levine, P., Kause, J. 2020. Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-eat Meat and Poultry Product Verification Testing Samples from United States Department of Agriculture-regulated Producing Establishments, 2005-2017. Journal of Food Protection. https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-20-010
- McMillan, E. A., Wasilenko, J.L., Tagg, K. A., Chen, J. C., Simmons, M., Gupta, S. K., Tillman, G.E., Folster, J., Jackson, C. R. and Frye, J. G., 2020. Carriage and Gene Content Variability of the pESI-Like Plasmid Associated with Salmonella Infantis Recently Established in U.S. Poultry Production. Genes 2020, 11(12), 1516; https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11121516
- Pouillot R., Schlosser W., Van Doren J. M., Dennis S. B., and Kause J. R., 2020. Assessment of the risk of salmonellosis linked to the consumption of liquid egg products made from internally contaminated shell eggs initially stored at 65°F (18°C) compared with 45°F (7°C). Journal of Food Protection. Vol 83, Issue. 5. Model code.
- Scott, M. E., Mbandi, E., Buchanan, S., Abdelmajid, N., Gonzalez-Rivera, C., Robertson Hale, K., Jacobsen, L., Webb, J., Green, J., Dolan, P. 2020. Salmonella And Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli In Products Sampled In The Food Safety And Inspection Service Raw Pork Baseline Study. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 83, Issue 3.
- Shaw, S. L., Esteban, J. E., Kissler, B. W., Freiman, J. L., Tillman, G. E. 2020. Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing at the Food Safety and Inspection Service to Detect and Investigate Foodborne Illness Outbreaks. Food Protection Trends. Volume 40, No. 4, pages 268-270.
- Simmons, M., Wasilenko, J., Maier, M., Douris, A., Battles, J., Minicozzi, J., Morales, C., Myers, M., Ben-Ghaly, L., Tillman, G. 2020. Inferred Salmonella enterica Serotype from Whole Genome Sequencing Data Using SeqSero2. IAFP. Volume 83, page 45.
- Stapp-Kamotani, E., Golden, N., Carter, J., Lanier, W., Clinch, N., Izsak, Y. 2020. Salmonella and Campylobacter in Chicken Necks, Hearts, Gizzards, and Livers. IAFP. Volume 83, page 107.
- Wang, Y., Hou, N., Johnston, J., Sarreal, C., Jarosh, J., Hughes, A.C., Gu, Y., He, X. 2020. Low prevalence of mobile colistin-resistance in U.S. meat, catfish, poultry and genomic characterization of a mcr-1 positive Escherichia coli strain. Food Control. Volume 118, 107434
- Williams, M. S., Ebel, E. D., Saini, G., Nyirabahizi, E. 2020. Changes in Salmonella Contamination in Meat and Poultry Since the Introduction of the Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Rule. Journal of Food Protection. 83 (10): 1707-1717. https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-20-126
- Zablotsky Kufel, J., Fields, R., Crockett, J., Gonzales, M., Catlin, M., Ronca, J., Derfler, P. 2020. Strategic Allocation of Sampling Resources at the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service. IAFP. Volume 83, page 42.
- Abley, M., Jennings, A., Navin, J., Popoola, H., Schaffner, D. 2019. Home Delivery of Food: The Last Mile Is Not What It Used To Be. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 27.
- Abdelmajid, N., Carter, M. J., Gonzalez-Rivera, C., Seys, S., Whitaker, R., 2019. Effects of Interventions on Indicator Organism Levels in Beef Slaughter. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 48.
- Abdelmajid, N., Buchanan, S., Dolan, P., Green, J., Scott, M., Webb, J. 2019. Food Safety and Inspection Service Nationwide Raw Pork Products Sampling Study. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 318.
- Abley, M., Pointon, A., Rasmussen, M., Riess, B. 2019. Improving Postmortem Inspection of Beef for Human Health Protection. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 31.
- Andress, E., Lavallee, A., Schaffner, D. 2019. Fact or Fiction: Combatting Consumer Perceptions of Food Safety Myths with Data; Presentation: Utilizing Consumer Handling Data on Poultry Washing and Thermometer Use to Develop Methods Address Myths. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 15.
- Appelt, M., Cook, R., Rottenberg, C. 2019. Scientific Modernization of Meat Inspection - The International High Speed Train - Catch It or Get De-Railed. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 29-30.
- Bauer, N., Golden, N., Schlosser, W., Schmidt, S., Stapp-Kamotani, E. 2019. Salmonella and Campylobacter in Religious-exempt and Low-volume Poultry Products. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 318.
- Bearson B. L., Trachsel J.M., Holman D. B., Brunelle B. W., Sivasankaran S. K., Simmons M., Wasilenko J., Tillman G., Johnston J. J., Bearson S. M. D. (2019) Complete Genome Sequence of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar I 4,[5],12:i:- 2015 U.S. Pork Outbreak Isolate USDA15WA-1. Microbiology Resource Announcements. Vol 9, Iss 40. Pg 1-3.
- Brown, E., Dessai, U., McGarry, S., Gerner-Smidt, P. 2019. Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing for Food Safety and Public Health in the United States. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 16(7):441-450.
- Castle, M., Esteban, J. E., Fikree, F., Hammack, T., In’T Veld, P., Krishna, B., Vergara Escobar, C. 2019. The Use of Rapid Microbial Methods by Government Agencies for “Official” Testing; Presentation: USDA FSIS Process to Accept the Use of Rapid Microbial Methods. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 14.
- Chen, W. S., Levine, J. 2019. Correlating Salmonella Isolates: Multi-drug Resistance and Serotype Concordance between CDC PulseNet Illness Clusters and FSIS-regulated Establishment Samples. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 94.
- Christophe, N., Conrad, A., Donovan, D., Freiman, J., Hamdani, S., Haro, J., Heines, V., Minocha, U., Rue, B., Simmons, M., Silverman, M., Scott, M., Tillman, G., Webb, B. 2019. Use of Whole Genome Sequencing, Epidemiologic, and Traceback Data to Link a Multistate Listeria monocytogenes Outbreak to Ready-to-Eat Pork Products. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 133.
- Clark, C., Crews, M. K., Hretz S., Izsak, Y., Minocha, U., Seys, S., Silverman, M., Simmons, M., Tillman, G., Wasilenko, J. 2019. Frequency of Multi-Locus Sequence Types in FSIS-regulated Ready-to-Eat Products. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 138.
- Danielle M. Tack, DVM1; Ellyn P. Marder, MPH1; Patricia M. Griffin, MD1; Paul R. Cieslak, MD2; John Dunn, DVM3; Sharon Hurd, MPH4; Elaine Scallan, PhD5; Sarah Lathrop, PhD6; Alison Muse, MPH7; Patricia Ryan, MD8; Kirk Smith, DVM9; Melissa Tobin-D’Angelo, MD10; Duc J. Vugia, MD11; Kristin G. Holt, DVM12; Beverly J. Wolpert, PhD13; Robert Tauxe, MD1; Aimee L. Geissler, 2019. Preliminary Incidence and Trends of Infections with Pathogens Transmitted Commonly Through Food — Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, 10 U.S. Sites, 2015-2018, MMWR Weekly/April 26, 2019 / 68(16);369-373
- Den Besten, H., Duqué, B., Williams, M. 2019. Challenges in Campylobacter Detection and Control. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 17.
- Donaghy, J., Scott, J., Ward-Gokhale, L. 2019. Seek and You Shall Find: The Intricacies of a Robust Listeria Environmental Monitoring Plan. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 7.
- Duverna, R., Jarosh, J., Johnston, J., Kishore, R., Yee, C. 2019. Investigation into the Detection of Semicarbzide, a Nitrofurazone Indicator, in Chicken. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 172.
- Ebel, E.D., Williams, M. S., Ward-Grokhale, L. A., Kisselburgh, H. M. 2019. Assessing the maximum size of annual foodborne outbreaks in the United States: An analysis of 1973-2016 outbreaks. Microbial Risk Analysis Volume 12, Pages 20-26
- Ebel, E. D., Williams, M. S., Tameru, B. 2019. Relatedness of Salmonella contamination frequency on chicken carcass and parts samples when processed in the same establishment. Food Control 100:198-203.
- Fasano, J., Mozdziak, P., Wagner, R. 2019. Is Cell-Cultured Meat Really Meat? Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 10.
- Feldgarden M, Brover V, Haft DH, Prasad AB, Slotta DJ, Tolstoy I, Tyson GH, Zhao S, Hsu CH, McDermott PF, Tadesse DA, Morales C, Simmons M, Tillman G, Wasilenko J, Folster JP, Klimke W (2019) Validating the AMRFinder Tool and Resistance Gene Database by Using Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in a Collection of Isolates. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Oct 22;63(11)
- Gieraltowski, L., Harvey, E., Jones, J., Laksanalamai, P., Noveroske, D., Sréterné Lancz, Z., Whitney, B. 2019. Foodborne Disease Outbreak Update. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 19.
- Glass, K., Hammons, S., Marks, B. 2019. Science and Regulatory Guidance Update: Lethality and Stabilization of Meat and Poultry Products. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 10.
- Hassan, R., Buuck, S., Noveroske, D., Medus, C., Sorenson, A., Laurent, J., Rotstein, D., Schlater, L., Freiman, J., Douris, A., Simmons, M., Donovan, D., Henderson, J., Tewell, M., Snyder, K., Oni, O., Von Stein, D., Dassie, K., Leeper, M., Adediran, A., Dowell, N., Gieraltowski, L., Basler, C., Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Raw Turkey Products — United States, 2017-2019. Weekly / November 22, 2019 / 68(46);1045-1049 Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Raw Turkey Products — United States, 2017-2019 | MMWR (cdc.gov)
- Hinton, A., Gamble, G., Berrang, M., Buhr, J., and Johnston, J. (2019) Development of Neutralizing Buffered Peptone Water for Salmonella Verification Testing in Commercial Poultry Processing Facilities. J Bacteriol Parasitol, Vol.10 Iss.3 No:359
- Hretz, S., Schmelik-Sandage, C., Szymanski, C. 2019. Poultry Vaccines: What is working, what are the gaps, and what is on the horizon? Presentation: When the Vaccine is Also the Target Pathogen: Lessons Learned. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 15.
- Juneja, V.K., Golden, C. E., Mishra, A., Harrison, M. A., Mohr, T., Silverman, M. 2019. Predictive model for growth of Bacillus cereus during cooling of cooked rice. Int J Food Microbiol 290:49-58.
- Juneja, V. K., Golden, C. E., Mishra, A., Harrison, M. A., Mohr, T. B. 2019. Predictive model for growth of Bacillus cereus at temperatures applicable to cooling of cooked pasta. J Food Science 84(3):590-598.
- Kawakami, V., Bottichio, L., Lloyd, J., Carleton, H., Olson, M., Li, Z., Kissler, B., Angelo, K., Whitlock, L., Sinatra, J., Defibaugh-Chavez, S., Bicknese, A., Kay, M., Wise, M., Basler, C., Duchin, J. 2019. Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella I 4,[5],12:i:- and Salmonella Infantis Infections Linked to Whole Roasted Pigs from a Single Slaughter and Processing Facility. Journal of Food Protection. 82(9):1615-1624.
- McMillan E. A., Gupta S. K., Williams L. E., Jové T, Hiott LM, Woodley T. A., Barrett JB, Jackson CR, Wasilenko J. L., Simmons M, Tillman G. E., McClelland M, Frye J. G. (2019) Antimicrobial Resistance Genes, Cassettes, and Plasmids Present in Salmonella enterica Associated With United States Food Animals. Front Microbiol. Apr 17;10:832
- Minocha, U., Jennifer Freiman, Jovita Haro, Glenn Tillman, Mustafa Simmons, Meryl Silverman, Maria Scott, Brad Webb, Amanda Conrad, Danielle Donovan, Vivienne Heines, Brenda Rue, Natalie Christopher, and Sakina Hamdani,. 2019. Use of Whole Genome Sequencing, Epidemiologic, and Traceback Data to Link a Multistate Listeria monocytogenes Outbreak to Ready-to-Eat Pork Products.
- National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (2019) “Response to questions posed by the Food Safety and Inspection Service regarding Salmonella control strategies in poultry,” Journal of Food Protection, Vol 82(4), pp 645-668.
- National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (2019) “Response to questions posed by the Food and Drug Administration regarding virulence factors and attributes that define foodborne Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) as severe human pathogens,” Journal of Food Protection, Vol 82(5), pp 724-767.
- Scott, M., Stephanie Buchanan, Naser Abdelmajid, Jennifer Webb, Jennifer Green and Paul Dolan, 2019. Food Safety and Inspection Service Nationwide Raw Pork Products Sampling Study.
- Shaw, W., Esteban, J. E. 2019. Evaluation of Commercial Molecular Screening Platforms for the Detection of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens by Food Safety and Inspection Service Field Service Laboratories. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 49.
- Siemens, A., Ebel, E., Steven Ricke, S. 2019. Challenges and Promises of Using Quantitative Data for Controlling Salmonella in Poultry. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 82, Pg 19.
- White, P., Green, A., Holt, K.G., Robertson Hale, K. 2019. Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Subspecies I Serovar 4,[5],12:i:- Isolates Recovered from Food Safety and Inspection Service-Regulated Products and Food Animal Ceca, 2007-2016. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 16(10):679-686.
- Williams, M. S., Ebel, E. D., Golden, N. J. 2019. Revising a constrained 2-class attributes sampling plan when laboratory methods are changed. Microbial Risk Analysis. (in press).
- Zhao S, Mukherjee S, Hsu C.-H., Young S, Li C, Tate H, Morales C. A., Haro J, Thitaram S, Tillman G. E., Dessai U, McDermott P (2019) Genomic Analysis of Emerging Florfenicol-Resistant Campylobacter coli Isolated from the Cecal Contents of Cattle in the United States. mSphere. Jun 26;4(3)
- Berrang, Mark; Gamble, Gary; Hinton, Jr., Arthur; Johnston, John. 2018. Neutralization of residual antimicrobial processing chemicals in broiler carcass rinse for improved detection of Campylobacter. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 27: 299-303.
- Brown L.G., Hoover E.R., Faw B.V., Hedeen N.K., Nicholas D., Wong M.R., Shepherd C., Gallagher D.L., Kause J.R. 2018. Food safety practices linked with proper refrigerator temperatures in retail delis. Foodborne Pathog Dis 15(5):300- 307.
- Brown AC, Chen JC, Watkins LKF, Campbell D, Folster JP, Tate H, Wasilenko J, Van Tubbergen C, Friedman CR (2018) CTX-M-65 Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Salmonella enterica Serotype Infantis, United States. Emerg Infect Dis. Dec;24(12):2284-2291
- Green, A., Defibaugh-Chavez, S., Douris, A., Vetter, D., Atkinson, R., Kissler, B., Khroustalev, A., Robertson Hale, K., Sharma, S., Becker, K., Dessai, U., Antoine, N., Allen, L., Holt, K., Gieraltowski, L., Wise, M., Schwensohn, C., Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Salmonella Heidelberg Investigation Team. 2018. Intensified Sampling in Response to a Salmonella Heidelberg Outbreak Associated with Multiple Establishments Within a Single Poultry Corporation. Foodborne Pathog Dis 15(3):153-160.
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