ARCHIVE: Make a Difference for You and Your Colleagues – Respond to FEVS by Dec. 3
This story is an archived copy and may not reflect the most up to date information. Please visit the Employee section of our site for the latest employee information.
Let your voice be heard by taking the 2021 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). As of Nov. 22, FSIS has a 29 percent response rate but that's only from a random sample. Unlike previous years, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is only sending it to a random set of employees. We want to hear from more of you.
The survey is an opportunity to share your experiences and for FSIS leadership and management to hear your voice. If you receive the survey, we highly encourage you to take it to help make a difference in FSIS. It takes no more than 20 minutes. You can complete it during work time.
Please check your junk mail file to see if you received a survey invitation, and watch for an email from the OPM address “” with the subject “2021 OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.” Responses are due by Dec. 3. (Note the change from Dec. 1.) FSIS leaders remain committed to continuous improvements at FSIS and invite you to be part of it. Read more about the FEVS on the OPM website.