September 2022 Snapshots
Washington, D.C.
A consumer visits the FSIS booth at the USDA Farmer’s Market. FSIS staff from the Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE) discussed free resources available to take and the importance of food safety. (Pictured, from left:) a USDA Farmers Market attendee and from OPACE, Communications Program Specialist Lynn Williams and Public Affairs Specialist Kenneth King.
Photo by Technical Information Specialist Meredith Carothers, OPACE.
Free food safety resources for consumers from FSIS were provided to USDA employees and others attending the USDA Farmers Market. These included the Kitchen Companion booklet, Is It Done Yet? magnets and “stress” burgers with contact information for the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline.
Photo by Technical Information Specialist Meredith Carothers, OPACE.
FSIS employees staffed the booth to promote food safety, free resources, and interview interested patrons about their food safety knowledge. The interested patrons were filmed for an Instagram Reel to be posted on USDA’s Instagram.
From left to right: Public Affairs Specialist Bailey McWilliams, Technical Information Specialist Meredith Carothers, Public Affairs Specialist Kenneth King, and Communications Program Specialist Lynn Williams
Photo courtesy of Technical Information Specialist Meredith Carothers, OPACE.
Public Affairs Specialist Bailey McWilliams (pictured, left) and Technical Information Specialist Meredith Carothers take a silly, behind the scenes shot of the filming set up to interview USDA Farmers Market patrons about their food safety knowledge.
Photo by Kenneth King.
Boise, Idaho
On Sept. 16, Administrator Paul Kiecker held a Small Plant Roundtable in which leaders from FSIS and other government agencies met with representatives of various small and very small establishments to provide updates, ask and answer questions and discuss a variety of topics including new initiatives, available resources and areas that need improvement.
In the list of names below, those with no specified title or affiliation were representing various small and very small establishments. Pictured, from left: Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE) Legislative Analyst Mitch Adams, Kiecker, (back) Rural Development-Idaho Business Program Specialist Tim Wheeler, (front) Carolyn Barrett, Rural Development-Idaho Business Programs Director Daryl Moser, USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Marketing Specialist Sara Hernandez, OPACE detailee Dr. Lynda Lilyestrom, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein, Denver District Manager Dr. Robert Reeder, Kevin Patterson, Tyler Compton, Elliott Tolbert, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD) Rachel Edelstein, OPPD Labeling and Program Delivery Staff Director Rosalyn Murphy-Jenkins, and Frontline Supervisor Dr. Amber Talley.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Nampa, Idaho
On Sept. 16, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel at a multi-species slaughter and processing establishment. The team spoke about inspection procedures and about maintaining open communication with the establishment.
Pictured from left: Compliance Officer Ron Todd, Kiecker, Consumer Safety Inspector Marie Jones, Frontline Supervisor Dr. Amber Talley, Denver District Manager Dr. Robert Reeder, and Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Portland, Ore.
On Sept. 15, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel during a work unit meeting at a ready-to-eat processing establishment. Kiecker spoke about the agency’s focus on Salmonella in poultry and also discussed staffing, the high cost of living in the area, the numerous career opportunities in FSIS, and the benefits of working for an agency like FSIS which provides the ability to relocate throughout the country for personal and professional reasons.
Pictured, from left: Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein; Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Ken Adrian; Kiecker; CSI Lucy Paris; Interdisciplinary Consumer Safety Officer Janice Walton; Frontline Supervisor Dr. Glenn Hansen; CSIs Grant Gean, Maggie Liu, Darrian Shelby and Sandy Kana.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Woodland, Wash.
On Sept. 15, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel at a beef slaughter and processing establishment. Kiecker spoke about career opportunities and employee-centered programs at FSIS. He also stressed how every FSIS employee plays a role in recruiting new employees to join the agency and filling vacancies.
Pictured, from left: Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein, Food Inspector Jonathan Barrett, Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Dean Karr, Supervisory CSI Matthew DeBartolo, CSI Zachary Harris, Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian William Loucks, Frontline Supervisor Dr. Earl VanBuskirk, CSI Shirley Merritt, and Kiecker.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Toppenish, Wash.
On Sept. 14, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel during a work unit meeting at a beef slaughter and processing establishment. Kiecker spoke with the team about recruitment and retention incentives (see Incentives), career opportunities with FSIS, and waivers in other beef establishments for how carcasses/parts are presented to FSIS for inspection.
Pictured, back row from left: Food Inspector (FI) Anthony Nelson; Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein; FIs Christopher Renteria and Jose Cruz; Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Ezequiel Alcantar; Kiecker; Supervisory CSI David Dutcher; and FI Juan Quintero.
Front, from left: Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian/Inspector-in-Charge Dr. Jenna Kline; FIs Shellee Imperial and Yesenia Magana; and Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte.
Photo by Frontline Supervisor Dr. Jeffrey Richards, OFO.
Everett, Wash.
On Sept. 13, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel during a work unit meeting at a meat and poultry processing establishment. Kiecker spoke about the agency’s focus on Salmonella. He also spoke about many employee-centered programs at FSIS, including shadow and development opportunities, the tuition reimbursement program open to all employees, and a future initiative to provide flexible schedules for those looking to work fewer hours.
Pictured, back row from left: Kiecker; Frontline Supervisor (FLS) Dr. Phillip McCready; Consumer Safety Inspectors (CSI) Terry Hench, Eric Tabaka and Rene Caballero-Chavez.
Front row, from left: FLS Dr. Justeen Zara; Compliance Investigator Drew Tilton; CSIs Jennifer Christie and Alvaro Rodriguez.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Seattle, Wash.
On Sept. 13, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel at an import establishment. Kiecker and the team spoke about staffing, providing coverage, PHV recruitment and the diverse career opportunities within FSIS.
Pictured, from left: Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte; Consumer Safety Inspectors Lorraine Solomo and Eric Brown; Kiecker; Frontline Supervisor Dr. Earl VanBuskirk; Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein.
Photo by establishment employee.
Kent, Wash.
On Sept. 13, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel during a work unit meeting at a ready-to-eat processing establishment. Kiecker spoke about career opportunities, the focus on Salmonella and about various employee-centered programs such as the tuition reimbursement program open to all employees (see Notice 34-22).
Pictured, from left: Frontline Supervisor Dr. Justeen Zara; Enforcement, Investigations, and Analysis Officer Ekaette Esah; Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Erick Arista; Kiecker; CSI Clayton Cox; Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations Dr. Philip Bronstein; CSIs James Needham, Jeremy Hessman, Benjamin Rostick, and Bruce Ankenman.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Lone Jack, Mo.
On Sept. 6, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel at a beef slaughter and processing establishment. Kiecker spoke about promotion potential in FSIS, and the team discussed challenges of working the slaughter line. Frontline Supervisor Cindy Buck-Griffin presented USDA logo shirts to personnel as she thanked them for their hard work and dedication.
Pictured, from left: Food Inspectors Fermin Mondragon, Princess Dyer and Carolina Vivanco; Consumer Safety Inspector Susan McMillan; Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Bryan McHugh.
Photo by an establishment employee.
Sedalia, Mo.
On Sept. 6, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with inspection personnel at a poultry slaughter and processing establishment. The team discussed the benefits of and opportunities for movement to other duty stations within the agency. Kiecker discussed NPIS, NSIS and beef waivers for how carcasses and parts are presented to FSIS for inspection.
Pictured, from left: Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Abdullah Alzubi; Kiecker; CSI Tisha Brown; Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian (SPHV) Dr. Jeffery Anderson; CSIs Mary May, Adam Smith, Esmeralda Ramos, Jessica Sharp and Andrew Chavarro.
Photo by SPHV Dr. Russell Ehlmann, OFO.
Green Bay, Wisc.
On Sept. 12, Administrator Paul Kiecker attended a recruitment event put on by the Des Moines District Office at the Brown County Jobs Center, and he conducted a television interview that morning to help promote the event and increase awareness of careers with FSIS.
Pictured, from left: Resource Management Specialist Rose Blackford, District Manager Dr. Dawn Sprouls, Kiecker and Resource Coordinator Jeff Harvey.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.
Laurel, Miss.
On Aug. 31, Administrator Paul Kiecker traveled to a poultry slaughter and processing establishment, where he talked with Consumer Safety Inspector Bennie Noel. Noel has worked with FSIS for over 60 years.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Mark Williams, OA.
Phoenix, Ariz.
On Aug. 26, Administrator Paul Kiecker held a Small Plant Roundtable — in which leaders from FSIS and various other government agencies met with representatives of various small and very small establishments to provide updates, ask and answer questions, and discuss a variety of topics including new initiatives, available resources, and areas that need improvement.
Attendees named below with no designated job title were representing establishments operating either under FSIS inspection or under inspection by the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) Meat and Poultry Inspection (MPI) Program.
Pictured, back row, from left: Alameda Deputy District Manager Frank Gillis; USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Marketing Specialist Bucky Gwartney; Rosie Lopez; Sarah Morales; Brandon Shelton; Administrator Paul Kiecker; Fernando Camacho; University of Arizona Associate Professor Dr. Duane Wulf; Public Affairs Specialist Cody Kahlig.
Middle row, from left: Alameda District Manager William Griffin; Tim Peterson; AZDA Associate Director Jerome Rosa; USDA Rural Development Arizona State Director Charlene Fernandez; AZDA MPI Program Manager Rick Mann; Katrina Whiteley; Dr. Sam Garcia.
Front row, from left: Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education detailee Dr. Lynda Lilyestrom; Office of Policy and Program Development Labeling and Program Delivery Staff Director Rosalyn Murphy-Jenkins; OFO Executive Associate for Regulatory Operations Sherri Johnson; Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officer Oanh Le; Frontline Supervisor Dr. Dawn Walters.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Robert Witte, OA.