September 2024 Snapshots
Washington, D.C.
On Aug. 14, Administrator Paul Kiecker discussed the vision for the agency with staff from the Office of Field Operations (OFO), including District Managers (DM) and Deputy District Managers (DDM) who visited USDA Headquarters.
All pictured are with OFO unless otherwise noted.
Pictured, front row, from left: Resource Management and Financial Planning Staff (RMFPS) Director Laura Palmer, Des Moines DM Jeff Jacobsen, Chicago DM Dr. Don Fickey, Jackson DDM Dr. Erin Moses, Deputy Administrator Terri Nintemann (Office of the Administrator, OA), Management and Program Analyst Christina Walker, Veterinary Outreach Coordinator Dr. Sonya Eden, Atlanta DM Dr. Phyllis Adams, Executive Associate for Regulatory Operations (EARO) Melissa Moore, Denver DM Dr. Robert Reeder, Management and Program Analyst Betty Thomas, Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit Assistant Administrator (AA) Robert Bane.
Back row, from left: Philadelphia DDM Joseph Schein, Dallas DDM Samuel Dragoi, Deputy AA Dr. Hany Sidrak, EARO Karen Hunter, AA Paul Wolseley, RMFPS Deputy Director Florice Spencer, Executive Associate for Budget and Staffing Sheila Williamson, EARO William Griffin, Administrator Kiecker (OA), Springdale DM Jeffery Barham and Raleigh DM Todd Furey.
Photo by OA Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Jenifer Tolan.
Willmar, Minn.
On July 30, Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Andrea Jorgenson (center) was presented with an Operational Excellence Recognition Coin and a letter from Administrator Paul Kiecker. She was recognized for her commitment to upholding FSIS core values and sharing her career journey when Administrator Kiecker visited the establishment and met with FSIS team.
Pictured, from left: Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Dave Sather, Jorgenson, Supervisory CSI Errol Irizarry.
Photo by CSI Genevieve Bellot.
Omaha, Neb.
On August 2, Administrator Paul Kiecker met with employees from the Office of Field Operations; Office of Management; Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit; and Office of Policy and Program Development. He encouraged them to take advantage of development opportunities such as tuition reimbursement and to consider the range of FSIS career paths.
Employees pictured are from the Office of Field Operations unless noted otherwise. Pictured, from left, standing: Consumer Safety Inspector (CSI) Zach Wickersham; Frontline Supervisor Dr. Douglas Suntrup; CSIs Bianca Acosta Lopez, Gerald Hagedorn, Jan Yoakum and Kirk Hagberg; Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Nathan Dierks; Office of Program and Policy Development (OPPD) Senior Veterinary Medical Officer (VMO) Dr. Bryan Trout; Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit (OIEA) Federal State Audit Staff Director Dr. Jonathan Coleman, Administrator Kiecker; Office of Management Occupational Safety and Health Specialist Mike Lyons.
From left, sitting: Food Inspector (FI) Sandra Lopez; OPPD Senior VMO Dr. Teresa Carpenter; OIEA Program Auditors Cynthia Whitley, Kathryn LaBrunda and Shaochong Zhang; FIs Luis Velazquez-Castro and Chol Reec.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Sally Ann Iverson.
Omaha, Neb.
On August 1, Administrator Paul Kiecker joined Frontline Supervisor (FLS) Dr. Douglas Suntrup and Enforcement, Investigation and Analysis Officer (EIAO) Nelly Horne at the FSIS booth at the American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP) Convention. Dr. Suntrup and Horne spent three days at the convention visiting with small plants to provide information and answer questions about FSIS.
Pictured, from left: Dr. Suntrup, Administrator Kiecker, Horne.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Sally Ann Iverson.
During the opening session, Administrator Kiecker addressed small establishment owners. He highlighted several recent agency announcements, including the proposed Salmonella Framework for Raw Poultry Products and the final rule for the voluntary Product of USA label claim.
Photo by Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Sally Ann Iverson.