Labeling and Label Approval
FSIS develops and provides labeling guidance, policies and inspection methods and administers programs to protect consumers from misbranded and economically adulterated meat, poultry, and egg products which ensure that all labels are truthful and not misleading.
FSIS revised guidance on food product date labeling to reduce food waste, encouraging food manufacturers and retailers that apply product dating to use a “Best if Used By” date label.
Label Submission and Approval (LSAS)
LSAS is a web-based application that integrates and implements an electronic label application process for establishments to submit label applications.
Labeling Procedures
Collection of guidance information on label procedures with regards to label applications, types of approval, common labeling questions and answers and information on the responsibilities of FSIS and the establishments regarding label approvals.
Labeling Policies
Access the latest resources on including FSIS guidance information, the Food Standards and Labeling Policy Book and Policy Memorandums, generic label approval, nutrition labeling information and other resource material regarding meat, poultry, and egg product labeling policies.
Ingredients Guidance
FSIS provides labeling ingredients guidance and inspection methods to protect consumers from misbranding.
Claims Guidance
FSIS provides claims guidance, policies, and inspection methods to protect consumers from economically adulterated meat, poultry, and egg products.
Collection of guidance and criteria in dealing with nonfood compounds.