Ingredients Guidance
FSIS provides labeling ingredients guidance and inspection methods to protect consumers from misbranding.
Additives in Meat & Poultry Products
This document provides information and guidance on the use of additives in meat and poultry products and includes a glossary of commonly used meat and poultry additives and terms.
Allergens Guidance Document
This document provides information regarding accurate product labeling including voluntary statements on labels that alert people who have sensitivities or intolerances to the presence of specific ingredients.
Undeclared Allergen Prevention
Powerpoint presentation used during Agency hosted webinars held Jan. 10, 2012 and Feb. 7, 2012, to provide guidance on addressing a recent increase of products recalled because of undeclared allergens.
FSIS Directive 7120.1 - Safe & Suitable Ingredients Used in the Production of Meat, Poultry and Egg Products
This directive provides inspection program personnel with an up-to-date list of approved substances for use in the production of meat and poultry products.
Food Ingredients & Sources of Radiation Listed or Approved for Use in the Production of Meat & Poultry Products
A Final Rule which provides for the simultaneous review, by FSIS and FDA, of requests to use food ingredients or sources of radiation in the production of meat and poultry products. This rule also combined the separate listings of food ingredients approved for use in meat and poultry products into a single table.
Guidance on Ingredients & Sources of Radiation Used to Reduce Microorganisms on Carcasses, Ground Beef, & Beef Trimmings
This document provides background information and guidance on the ingredient approval process, the different classes of approved antimicrobial agents, and the labeling of these substances.
Guidance on the Procedures for Joint Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) & Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Approval of Ingredients & Sources of Radiation Used in the Production of Meat & Poultry Products
This document is intended to provide guidance to interested parties who wish to use new food ingredients and sources of radiation or to make new use of approved food ingredients and sources of radiation in the manufacture of meat and poultry products.
Memorandum of Understanding
Between Food Safety and Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, United States Department of Health and Human Services Regarding the Listing or Approval of Food Ingredients and Sources of Radiation Used in the Production of Meat and Poultry Products.
Natural Flavoring on Meat & Poultry Labels
Questions and Answers concerning natural flavorings listed on meat and poultry labels.
Proprietary Mix Committee
Information memo regarding Proprietary Mix Committee (PMC) letters and proprietary ingredient mixes.
- Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Ingredient Use & Labeling
Letter to Proprietary Mixture Suppliers and Manufacturers which includes FAQs relating to use and labeling of ingredients, including flavorings, proprietary ingredient mixes, ingredients in standardized and non-standardized foods, and protein hydrolysates.