FSIS FOIA Reading Room
The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996 (E-FOIA) requires agencies to make certain types of records, created by the agency on or after November 1, 1996, available electronically (Reading Room). Under E-FOIA, individuals can obtain electronic access to certain agency records without having to make a formal FOIA request (5 U.S.C. §552(a)(2) (2000)). By the same token, records required to be made publicly available pursuant to FOIA section (a)(2) ordinarily cannot be the subject of regular “FOIA requests.” (5 U.S.C. §552(a)(3)(A)).
The FSIS Reading Room contains documents specifically identified for inclusion by FOIA section (a)(2) and 7 CFR Subtitle A, Part 1, Section 1.4, and fall in the following four categories:
FOIA Request Reports
Final Opinions and Orders
- USDA Laws and Regulations
- Federal Register
- Quarterly Enforcement Reports
- Humane Handling Quarterly Reports and Humane Handling Enforcement Actions
Policy Statements and Adopted Interpretations
Administrative Staff Manuals
FSIS FOIA Annual Reports
- Reports for 2006 and later years are incorporated in USDA's annual FOIA reports.
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Last Updated: Sep 06, 2024