Employee News & Stories
American Indian/Alaska Native American Heritage Month: Crazy Horse
November is American Indian and Alaska Native Month. One historical figure to celebrate is Tȟašúŋke Witkó, known as Crazy Horse. His impact continues to resonate within the AI/AN community.
Meet Disability Special Emphasis Program Manager Terisa Raney
Terisa Raney is an FSIS field employee eager to bring about awareness of the disability community and work to ensure EEO is present in FSIS employment. It’s important to her that positive actions are taken to increase representation of people with disabilities.
3rd FSIS International Meat, Poultry and Egg Products Inspection Seminar in Chile
FSIS and USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service, in collaboration with Chile’s Ministry of Agriculture, held the FSIS International Meat, Poultry and Egg Products Inspection Seminar. The seminar, held in Spanish, informed 50 government inspection officials from several countries about FSIS’ inspection regulations and procedures with a wide variety of topics.