ARCHIVE: National Preparedness Month: Occupant Emergency Planning
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Occupant Emergency Planning
Emergencies can happen at any time or anywhere, including the workplace. FSIS employees work in different facilities such as meat and poultry establishments, laboratories, and in offices. Employees need to understand the nature of potential emergencies and what actions to take if emergencies do occur. Life safety, communication, efficiency, and roles and responsibilities are critical components to enhancing the security and preparedness of facility occupants.
Occupant Emergency Plan
An occupant emergency plan covers all emergencies for the workplace. A copy of the occupant emergency plan should be posted on the government bulletin board or in an appropriate location for employees to review. The occupant emergency plan should include:
- A floor plan or map that clearly identifies the escape and alternative escape routes.
- Procedures for employees who remain to perform (or shut down) critical operations before evacuating.
- Procedures to account for all employees after an emergency evacuation.
If an occupant emergency plan does not exist, then either the FSIS inspector-in-charge or supervisor develop and implement a written occupant emergency plan for FSIS employees in all establishments, laboratories and offices using FSIS Form 4791-21. This is posted in lieu of the occupant emergency plan. The form should include:
- Names of FSIS official-in-charge (Coordinator), alternate coordinator, wardens and first aiders.
- Procedures FSIS employees should take for fire/smoke or bomb threat.
- Location of evacuation assembly point and alternative FSIS command site.
- Additional procedures on other emergencies.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
If you see something suspicious in a federal building, call the Federal Protective Service at 1-877-437-7411. For TTY/TDD use one of these MegaCenter Numbers by area:
- Battle Creek MegaCenter: (269) 565-9616.
- Philadelphia MegaCenter: (215) 521-2225
- Denver MegaCenter: (877) 437-7411
More Information
The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service (FPS) and USDA have more information available. FPS offers Guidance for Occupant Emergency Planning. FSIS also has Directive 4791.6: Procedures for Workplace and Travel Emergencies and an Occupant Emergency Plan: USDA Headquarters Facility.