Inspection Task Data
The Livestock Humane Handling and Poultry Good Commercial Practices inspection task datasets are available below. Please refer to the Data Documentation for each dataset for information on data elements and limitations. Some key points to highlight are:
- The data posted reflect a snapshot in time that has already passed. Datasets include the date on which the data is pulled to enhance transparency. Changes to the establishment’s animal welfare may have already been implemented in response to the data and therefore the data may not reflect current conditions in the establishment.
- Noncompliance records (NRs) are only eligible for inclusion if the NR regulations or NR description field is populated. Rows in the data that do not contain NR fields indicate instances of the task where inspectors did not find regulatory noncompliance.
- NRs can be appealed. An establishment may appeal an inspection decision per 9 CFR 306.5.
- Establishments may present objections to content within a Memorandum of Interview (MOI).
- Consistent with the treatment of other establishment-specific datasets, each inspection task dataset is divided into two files: archived and current.
- The current dataset represents fiscal year to date and will be updated quarterly (the dataset will contain a minimum of one quarter of data and a maximum of four quarters of data at any time). The current dataset is updated quarterly; updated data files replace previously published data files, consistent with other establishment-specific datasets.
- The archived dataset will capture previous fiscal year data once the new fiscal year starts and will be updated annually.
Available Data
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Last Updated: Jan 03, 2025