Raw Pork Products Exploratory Sampling Program
FSIS announced the launch of the Raw Pork Products Exploratory Sampling Program (RPPESP) in April 2015. The goal of the project is to collect data on the presence of Salmonella, other pathogens, and indicator organisms in various pork products. The project includes:
- retail sampling (completed in FY 2014),
- the first phase exploratory sampling at slaughter and processing establishments (May 2015 to November 2015),
- samples taken during the transition phase (January 2016 to May 2017), and
- a second phase of exploratory sampling (beginning June 1, 2017).
During the initial phase of the sampling program, the Agency analyzed approximately 1,200 samples and evaluated the sampling results. A presentation with the results from the first phase of exploratory and transitional sampling results is now available. The Agency continued to collect and analyze raw pork products for Salmonella while the second phase of the study was being designed. A summary of the sample results obtained during that transitional period and the second phase of sampling can be viewed (when available). This report includes the most recent quarterly data for multiple FSIS sampling projects, as well as data for the most recent calendar year, and fiscal year As the report is updated, older data may be archived.
FSIS announced the new phase of exploratory sampling in Notice 30-17 issued on May 26, 2017.
FSIS transitioned into the second phase of the RPPESP on June 1, 2017.
For this sampling project, FSIS field employees will collect raw intact and non-intact pork cuts and raw comminuted products. During the initial exploratory sampling phase, FSIS did not sample establishments if the average daily volume range was 1 to 1,000 pounds per day for an eligible product group. During the new phase, establishments producing a minimum of eligible products in the average daily volume range of 101 to 1,000 pounds per day will be sampled if the number of days of production is 21 or more days in a calendar month.
The sample collected will be two pounds of various pork products that will be shipped to FSIS laboratories and analyzed for Salmonella and two types of indicator organisms: counts of aerobic bacteria and generic E. coli. Samples collected from plants that both slaughter and produce eligible pork products will also be analyzed for Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli (STECs), including E. coli O157:H7 and six STEC serogroups—O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145. The eligible product categories to be sampled include:
- Intact Cuts (including bone-in and boneless),
- Non-Intact Cuts (including bone-in and boneless), and
- Comminuted products (Ground Pork; Sausage, patties, and other formed products; Mechanically Separated; Advanced Meat Recovery; and Other Comminuted Pork).
Retail Sampling | Initial Exploratory Phase | Transition Sampling | Second Exploratory Phase | |||
Timeframe | Completed FY 2014 | Completed FY 2015 | Completed FY 2016 | Completed May 2017 | Beginning June 2017 | |
Number of Samples | 150 samples | 200 samples | 1,000 samples | -3,650 samples | -4,200 samples (Salmonella and indicators) -1,920 samples (also analyzed for STECs) | |
Eligible Plants | N/A | All plants producing more than 1,000 lbs. eligible pork products per day | All plants producing more than 1,000 lbs. eligible pork products per day | All plants producing more than 1,000 lbs. eligible pork products per day | Non-slaughter plants that produce a minimum of 101 to 1,000 lbs. at least 21 days per month | Plants that slaughter and produce a minimum of 101 to 1,000 lbs. at least 21 days per month |
Analytes Tested | Salmonella | Salmonella, Campylobacter, STECs, Toxoplasma, gondii, MRSA, Tersinia enterocolltica, and indicator organisms | Salmonella, and indicator organisms | Salmonella | Salmonella and indicator organisms; aerobic count and generic E. coli | Salmonella, STECs, and indicator organisms: aerobic count and generic E. coli |
Pork Product Types Collected | Non-intact ground pork | Intact pork cuts, other intact pork, non-intact pork cuts, other non-intact pork, and comminuted pork | Intact pork cuts, other intact pork, non-intact pork cuts, other non-intact pork, and comminuted pork | Intact pork cuts, other intact pork, non-intact pork cuts, other non-intact pork, and comminuted pork | Intact pork cuts, non-intact pork cuts, and comminuted pork |
The FSIS Office of Public Health Science and the Office of Planning, Analysis and Risk Management (OPARM) will analyze the data collected in the Raw Pork Products Exploratory Sampling Program to determine the percent positive and prevalence for Salmonella and to help develop a Risk Profile for STEC in pork. A Summary of the results of the second phase of the Raw Pork Products Exploratory Sampling Baseline Study can be found here. The Agency will use this data to inform food safety policies for pork products.