Sampling Program
FSIS produces a number of comprehensive reports related to the Agency's sampling programs. These reports allow FSIS to publicly share information about the Agency's' sampling programs, discuss the statistical and policy basis for these programs and future changes to develop new programs and modify existing programs.
FSIS released the Report on the Food Safety and Inspection Service Microbiological and Residue Sampling Programs in December 2011, which identified all of FSIS’ sampling programs and discussed the statistical and policy basis for the programs
FSIS releases a new sampling plan each fiscal year. The sampling plans describe FSIS’ major activities related to microbiological and chemical residue sampling in domestic establishments, import, and in-commerce facilities during the fiscal year and the Agency’s overall strategy for directing its sampling resources for the following year. The Annual Sampling Program Plans can be found below:
- FY 2025, Jan 2025
- FY 2024, Sep 2023
- FY 2023, Nov 2022
- FY 2022, Dec 2021
- FY 2021, Dec 2020
- FY 2020, Mar 2020
- FY 2019, Nov 2018
- FY 2018, Dec 2017
- FY 2017, Oct 2016
- FY 2016, Oct 2015
FSIS also releases the Annual Catalog of Sampling Projects which lists the various project and test codes for the Agency’s sampling programs.
View the sampling data for laboratories at establishment-specific datasets.
FSIS announced the launch of the Raw Pork Products Exploratory Sampling Program (RPPESP) in April 2015. The goal of the project is to collect data on the presence of Salmonella, other pathogens, and indicator organisms in various pork products.
FSIS must be notified prior to the import of meat, poultry and egg products samples destined for laboratory examination, research, evaluative testing, or trade show exhibition. Such samples are not subject to FSIS import inspection requirements but are subject to Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) animal disease restrictions. They may originate in any foreign country, provided there are no animal health restrictions imposed by APHIS. Samples originating in countries with animal health restrictions will require an APHIS permit prior to importing.
The importer, broker, or applicant must notify FSIS prior to Importing the samples using FSIS Form 9540-5 (3/12/2004), "Notification of Intent for the Importation of Meat, Poultry or Egg Product Samples for Laboratory Examination, Research, Evaluative Testing, or Trade Show Exhibition." Submit the form to FSIS, Recall Management and Technical Analysis Division (RMTAD), Import Operations (IO) at importinspection@fsis.usda.gov.
If the sample is a cooked beef product from a country where foot and mouth disease or Rinderpest exists, it must be presented with an APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) import permit. Sample shipments for research or evaluation that present with a VS import permit require CBP inspection only. Sample shipments of cooked beef product from a country where foot and mouth disease or Rinderpest exists that do not present with a VS import permit are to be treated as a commercial shipment and reinspected by FSIS.
Once in the United States, these samples may be used only for laboratory examination, research, evaluative testing, or trade show exhibition. They may not be sold, distributed, or consumed by the public. If the products are used for consumer test marketing or sales promotions, they will be regarded as commercial shipments and subject to FSIS import regulations, including the requirement that they must originate in eligible foreign countries and establishments and must be certified for export to the United States.
Annual information on the process of sampling meat, poultry, and egg products for chemical contaminants, as well as repeat violators.
- Read more about Residue Chemistry
- FSIS Data Summary of Siluriformes Fish Testing: A Five-Year Review, FY 2016-2020 (Mar 29, 2022; PDF Only)
- FSIS Estimation of Pathogen Rates in the Population Represented by the Samples Collected in Each Sampling Project for Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF Only)
- Campylobacter Methods Comparison Report (May 31, 2013; PDF Only)
- Changing the Set Sizes in Raw Ground Poultry Sampling (Aug 2012; PDF Only)
- Use of FSIS Regulatory Verification Sampling to Generate Prevalence Estimates (Apr 2012; PDF Only)
- Redesign of FSIS Sampling Methodologies To Improve Detection of E. coli O157:H7 (Mar 2012; PDF Only)
- Strategic Assessment of Sampling Resources (Jun 2020; PDF Only)