Updated: New Self-Service Reassignment System for In-Plant Inspection Program Personnel
FSIS Notice
Issue Date
Sep 07, 2023
Expiration Date
Sep 01, 2024
Full Notice
This notice cancels FSIS Notice 45-23, New Self-Service Reassignment System For In-Plant Inspection Program Personnel, and reissues its content to provide an extended effective date for the new on-line self-service Reassignment System until October 20, 2023. Therefore, effective October 20, 2023, the Office of Human Resources (OHR) will implement a new online self-service Reassignment System: https://ohrportal.fsis.usda.gov/systems/. This system will be used by FSIS field employees to request lateral reassignment to equivalent positions at other locations. - BACKGROUND
- The Voluntary Placement Program is available to in-plant inspection program personnel (IPP), which include Food Inspectors (FIs), Consumer Safety Inspectors (CSIs), and Supervisory Public Health Veterinarians (SPHVs), to request reassignment to an alternative work location.
- The current Reassignment System will no longer be supported as of October 20, 2023. As such, it will be necessary for IPP to use the new online self-service Reassignment System application to be considered for reassignment.
- Effective October 20, 2023, IPP are to enter requests for reassignment consideration into the online self-service Reassignment System: https://ohrportal.fsis.usda.gov/systems/. Once at this site, select the "Reassignment System" option.
- District Resource Management staff are required to search employee reassignment requests by location before submitting a hiring action to HR when hiring officials are seeking to fill vacancies. Employees who wish to lateral into an equivalent position at another location are highly encouraged to identify all locations (up to five total) in this system.
- Instructions on the use of the new system can be found at Self-Service Reassignment Database Training (usda.gov). Users may access this content using this direct link, or they can navigate to this content from IPP Help and then select the "Media Library" option.
Refer questions via e-mail to FSISHR1@usda.gov with Reassignment Request in the 'Subject:' line.