Constituent Update - July 19, 2024
FSIS to Begin New Allergen Verification Sampling Program
On August 1, 2024, FSIS will implement a new allergen verification sampling program at establishments that produce ready-to-eat (RTE) products with labeling that claims the absence of at least one of the 14 food allergens (e.g. “no peanuts”). The allergens included in the new program include soy, crustacean shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster, shrimp), eggs, peanuts, milk, and nine tree nuts including almond, Brazil nut, cashew, coconut, hazelnut, macadamia, pine nut, pistachio, and walnut. Additionally, FSIS will be testing for gluten, which can cause severe reactions in people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. FSIS intends to continue to develop the sampling program to include analysis for sesame.
FSIS is implementing this program to expand its verification of industry compliance with labeling regulations. This new program significantly expands upon and replaces FSIS’ current soy testing program, broadening the scope to include multiple allergens and gluten, in addition to soy. The program aims to ensure the accuracy of labeling claims for allergens in RTE products, ultimately enhancing consumer safety. FSIS will be issuing a directive providing instructions to inspection program personnel for collecting samples at eligible establishments in the upcoming week.
FSIS to Publish New Import Datasets
FSIS is announcing its plans to replace the existing Import Refusals and Import Volume datasets currently available on the Import and Export Data page with two new datasets, Import Presented Refused and Import Refusal Reason.
The existing Import Refusals dataset is published at the lot-level, including the foreign processing establishment, whereas the existing Import Volume dataset is published at the Country, Species, Process Category, Product Category, and Product Group level. The new Import Presented Refused dataset will include lot-level information for import volume along with import refusal data at the lot-level, making it easier to compare the proportion of weight refused to weight presented. Import Refusal Reason will be provided as a secondary dataset, providing each refusal reason as its own row to facilitate analysis.
Prior to publishing the Import Presented Refused and Import Refusal Reason datasets, FSIS is seeking comments on the sample datasets until September 13, 2024. To comment, visit Regulations.gov and follow the online instructions for submitting comments to Docket FSIS-2014-0032 for the sample datasets and data documentation. The data documentation and sample datasets are also available on the FSIS website.
Datasets will be updated monthly and will be posted the third Friday of each month, with the first release occurring on September 27, 2024, in lieu of the Import Refusals and Import Volume datasets. Data will be broken out by fiscal year (FY), starting with data from FY 2014 (starting on October 1, 2013) through the most recent FY. FSIS will release these datasets in an open, non-proprietary csv format, consistent with requirements set by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018. Instructions on how to open csv files using Excel are available on the FSIS website in the Comma Separated Values Guide section.
Available for Public Comment
FSIS seeks public comments on proposed rules and notices, which are viewable on the FSIS Federal Register & Rulemaking webpage. FSIS is currently seeking comments on the following:
- Until August 20, 2024: Notice of Request To Renew an Approved Information Collection: Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigation Survey for FSIS Public Health Partners
- Until August 26, 2024: Availability of Guidance for Residue Prevention
Export Requirements Update
The Library of Export Requirements has been updated for products for the following:
- Philippines
- Ukraine
- North Macedonia
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- Costa Rica
- Guatemala
- El Salvador
- Curacao
- Canada
- Chile
- French Polynesia (Tahiti)
- Cuba
- Japan
- Dominican Republic
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Hong Kong
- European Union
- Singapore
- Korea
- Azerbaijan
- Turkey
Complete information can be found at the FSIS Import & Export Library.