Library Updates
Export Requirements
Last update Nov 15, 2024
- Eligible Products
- Egg products
Documentation Requirements
- Obtain the FSIS Form 9060-5EP from the FSIS inspector. Complete and return the form to the FSIS inspector. Also see Requirements for Exporting Processed Egg Products in the middle of the page. for all countries. Additional certification statements or letterhead certification is not required.
Plants Eligible for Export
All FSIS inspected egg products plants are eligible to export for export to Paraguay.
1. Beef: Fresh, frozen, processed, and thermally processed/commercially sterile beef and beef products (including beef offals). *
2. Pork: Fresh, frozen, processed, and thermally processed/commercially sterile pork and pork products.
3. Poultry: Fresh, frozen, processed, and thermally processed/commercially sterile poultry meat and poultry meat products.
4. Swine casings of domestic origin.
All export applications for meat and poultry exports must be entered and processed through PHIS beginning Monday, March 6, 2023.
A. For the export of Fresh, frozen, processed, and thermally processed/commercially sterile poultry products: FSIS Form 9060-5: Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness is required and will be generated through PHIS.
B. For the export of salted natural swine casing of domestic origin obtain and complete FSIS Form 9060-7; Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-Mortem, Post-Mortem and Fit For Human Food Statements and the accompanying FSIS Letterhead Certificate.
That animals have not been slaughtered as a result of infectious or parasitic diseases, including Transmissible Gastroenteritis, Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Disease Syndrome (PRRS).
The producer provided documentation that the casings were packed in dry salt (NaCl) or a brine solution.
C. For the export of beef and beef products (including beef offals) the following statements are required by Paraguay to be included as certificate statements in the PHIS statement module: *
I certify that the beef and beef products specified hereon were accompanied by documentation showing they were derived from healthy animals which received ante-mortem and post-mortem veterinary inspection at the time of slaughter. While in establishments subject to USDA inspection, the beef and beef products were handled in a sanitary manner and were not subject to contagion prior to exportation.
Certifico que la carne bovina y los subproductos especificados a continuación estaban acompañados por documentación que muestra que fueron derivados de animales sanos que recibieron inspección veterinaria ante-mortem y post-mortem al momento del sacrificio. Mientras que la carne bovina y los subproductos permanecieron en establecimientos sujetos a inspección del USDA, fueron manipulados de manera sanitaria y no estuvieron sujetos a contagio antes de la exportación.
All Federally inspected meat and poultry slaughter, processing, and ID warehouse establishments and casings facilities are eligible to export to Paraguay.
Import Requirements
Last update Dec 14, 2023
Additional Import Information
The products identified in the table above are eligible for export from Paraguay to the United States as determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Equivalence Process.
Source materials used to produce product intended for export to the United States must originate from a certified establishment in an eligible country that has an equivalent raw or processed products inspection system.
The above are the Process Categories, Product Categories, and Product Groups as listed in the FSIS Product Categorization document and defined in the Public Health Information System (PHIS).
APHIS Animal Disease Requirements for Paraguay
The USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) restricts certain animal products from entering the United States because of animal disease conditions in the country of origin. Applicable APHIS animal disease requirements that may have an impact on Paraguay’s eligibility to export product to the United States are listed below:
Beef imported from Paraguay is subject to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) requirements specified in 9 CFR 94.18 or 9 CFR 94.19. Importation of fresh (chilled or frozen) beef from Paraguay is also subject to animal health requirements specified in 9 CFR 94.29.*
For information or questions concerning a country’s animal disease status and restrictions please contact the APHIS Veterinary Services, Strategy and Policy, Animal Product Import and Export at:
Veterinary Services, Strategy and Policy, Animal Product Import and Export (APIE)
4700 River Road, Unit 40
Riverdale, MD 20737
Phone: (301) 851-3300
Link to Paraguay’s Certified Establishment List
A certified establishment is an establishment that the Central Competent Authority (CCA) of the foreign country has certified as meeting the requirements of the inspection system that FSIS has determined equivalent to the United States inspection system and, therefore, eligible to export meat, poultry, or egg products to the United States.