Library Updates
Export - 2/07/2020, CY-11
Export Requirements
Last update Feb 07, 2020
Fresh/frozen red meat and poultry, meat and poultry products, game meat, products for pet food manufacture and pharmaceutical processing, and certain other products intended for export to countries which are members of the European Union must follow the European Union Requirements found elsewhere in the FSIS Export Library.
Meat and poultry exports to the area of Cyprus not controlled by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus (northern Cyprus) are not required to follow European Union requirements. FSIS Form 9060-5 can be issued for federally inspected meat and poultry products intended for export to this area of Cyprus. Insert the notation "See Remarks section below" in the Country of Destination block of FSIS Form 9060-5. In the Remarks section, the phrase "Country of Destination: Area of Cyprus not controlled by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus" must be included.