Office of Field Operations (OFO) Workforce Investment Initiative Pilot Program
Are you an Office of Field Operations (OFO) employee interested in advancing your career in FSIS? Do you want to be highly effective in your current position while becoming competitive for future opportunities? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the OFO Workforce Investment Initiative Pilot Program can help!
The OFO Workforce Investment Initiative Pilot Program is a multi-faceted, employee development pilot program designed to help OFO employees envision their careers and map out their career paths in the agency. The pilot currently includes Frontline Supervisors (FLS) and Supervisory Consumer Safety Inspectors (SCSIs), and we are happy to announce the competitive application period for Consumer Safety Inspectors (CSIs) will launch in January 2023.
For inquiries or comments related to the program, please contact us at OFOWorkforceInvestmentProgram@usda.gov.

What's in it for me?
Individualized training plans based on employee’s needs
Experiential learning assignments
Peer mentoring
Detailed career path guidance and instructions
Internal employee help and support
Program Offerings and Eligibility
The FLS leadership webinar series is optional (unless your supervisor requires you to attend) and designed to provide leadership skills training highly critical for successful field leaders in OFO. The training will offer guidance and discussions from an OFO perspective on topics not generally covered in other forums. Attendees will receive a meeting invitation from the organizer ahead of each session.
- OFO Frontline Supervisor Leadership Series (previously recorded session)
Date/Time | Topic |
Thursday, February 2, 2023 11am EST |
“Would You Work for YOU?” There’s no “I” in Team but there are two “I”s in SUPERVISION. We must spend twice as much time looking at ourselves as supervisors as we do looking at our team. We will examine the question: Would you work for you? We will discuss: - How to honestly assess your supervision and leadership capabilities |
Thursday, March 2, 2023 11am EST |
“Would You Work for YOU?” PART II There’s no “I” in Team but there are two “I”s in SUPERVISION. We must spend twice as much time looking at ourselves as supervisors as we do looking at our team. We will examine the question: Would you work for you? We will continue the discussion from the previous session in addition to: - Utilizing and accessing resources that help you assess how well you are progressing as a leader and supervisor. |
No April 2023 Session |
Thursday, May 4, 2023 11am EST |
“The Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision and Leadership” We will present some of the hidden pitfalls new and seasoned supervisors need to avoid in order to be effective and discuss tools for continually growing as a leader. - The difference between treating employees “fairly” and treating employees “the same” |
Thursday, June 8, 2023 11am EST |
“The Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision and Leadership – Part II” We will continue the discussion on the Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of supervision sharing real-life examples and how to effectively address them. |
Thursday, July 6, 2023 11am EST |
“The Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision and Leadership – Part III” We will continue the discussion on the Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of supervision sharing real-life examples and how to effectively address them. |
No August 2023 Session | |
Thursday, Sep 28, 2023 11am EST |
“You Are Who You Lead” Like it or not, the employees you supervise are a reflection of the leadership they have encountered. They are a reflection of you and your leadership, supervision, and guidance to them. How do you make sure you’re leading in such a way that you get the very best out of your employees? We will discuss: - Why some employees are harder to motivate than others, why work ethics vary so much, and how you can transform your employees. |
To Be Announced |
“Trial By Fire” Sometimes jumping in to supervision can almost instantly expose you to very tough situations you’ve never dealt with in your career. Learning how to quickly land on your feet and be ready for the next challenge will make all the difference. We will discuss: - How to deal with the most uncomfortable, unpleasant, and undesirable aspects of supervising others and how to turn those into positive learning lessons. |
FY2024 calendar of events coming soon! |
The SCSI Supervision Survival Guide series is optional (unless your supervisor requires you to attend) and designed to help SCSIs sharpen their supervisory skills, build important competencies that will help individuals grow as supervisors. The sessions will offer guidance and discussions from an OFO perspective on topics not generally covered in other forums. Attendees will receive a meeting invitation from the organizer ahead of each session.
- SCSI Supervision Survival Guide Webinar Series (previously recorded sessions)
Calendar of upcoming sessions:
Date/Time | Topic |
Thursday, January 26, 2023 1pm EST |
“Charting Your Career Path” We will discuss how you can utilize the Training Needs Assessment approach to determine the skills and training you need to be successful in your current job and be competitive for the next step in your career. |
Thursday, February 23, 2023 1pm EST |
“Addressing Performance & Conduct Issues – Part II” Discussion on some of the most challenging supervisory scenarios when dealing with employee performance or conduct issues and how to navigate them legally and successfully. Will also discuss Labor Management topics include official time and representation as it pertains to Bargaining Unit employees and performance or conduct. |
Thursday, April 27, 2023 1pm EST |
“The Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision” We will present some of the hidden pitfalls new and seasoned supervisors need to avoid in order to be effective and discuss tools for continually growing as a supervisor. |
Thursday, May 25, 2023 1pm EST |
“The Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision” - Part II We will continue the discussion around the not-so-obvious do’s and don’ts of Supervision. |
Thursday, June 29, 2023 1pm EST |
“The Not-So-Obvious Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision” - Part III We will continue the discussion around the not-so-obvious do’s and don’ts of Supervision. |
No July Session |
No August Session |
Thursday, September 21, 2023 1pm EST |
“The Glass Is Half Full” We will discuss why optimism, a positive attitude, and affording your employees the benefit of the doubt are all ways to minimize stress as a supervisor and foster an uplifting environment with a strong focus on commitment to public service and one that encourages your employees to emulate this behavior. |
Thursday, October 19, 2023 1pm EST |
“Setting the Best Tone as a Supervisor” We will discuss the importance of setting a good tone, establishing expectations and boundaries, the importance of consistency, the importance of integrity and honesty, and why following through with your commitments helps build a positive reputation as a supervisor. |
Eligibility Requirements
The second round of CSI applications opened June 1st and closed June 29th and all applicants were notified of their selection status on or around August 31, 2023. Congratulations to all of the CSIs who have been selected for the program so far.
Applicants who were not selected received specific feedback on their application that can be used to improve their application in the future.
If you applied but were not selected or did not apply during the open application periods, we hope you consider applying in the future. Please check this website for additional updates.
Eligibility Requirements:
- CSIs in position (all grade levels are eligible) for at least 90 days and performing at Fully Successful level
- Supervisory and District Management endorsement is required
- Completion of application
- No formal disciplinary actions in 12 months preceding application into the program and throughout participation (all applicants must be in good standing when they apply and remain in good standing as long as they are a participant)
- Successful completion of probationary period
To apply for the program, CSIs must complete the application form and the checklist below:
Helpful Tips for Completing the Application
✓ Have you completed all necessary fields on the form?
✓ Did you select a first (and alternative, if applicable) training track?
✓ Did you complete all 4 essay questions (using complete sentences and appropriate punctuation)?
✓ Did you read over your application essay question responses to ensure you answered the question fully and completely?
✓ Have you asked your supervisor or a trusted colleague to read over your application and proofread for errors or unclear responses?
✓ Has your supervisor completed the supervisory endorsement?
✓ Did you review the eligibility criteria to ensure you meet all of the minimum qualifications?
If you have any questions, please send an email at OFOWorkforceInvestmentProgram@usda.gov.
We believe strong, effective supervisors build a strong, effective workforce. To that end, and because the number of FLS and SCSI employees is manageable, we are not requiring these employees to apply for participation in the program. These individuals will have access to recurring training sessions, mentoring, coaching, career counseling, and Experiential Learning Assignments (ELA)s. Check this page for updates.
As this is a pilot to assess the success the program, the first phases of this pilot will include a relatively limited number of field supervisors, namely FLS and SCSIs. We realize SPHVs, District Managers, Deputy District Managers, Supervisory Enforcement, Investigation, and Analysis Officers (SEIAO), and Resource Managers (RMs) will greatly benefit from this program, so we are in the process of determining how to continually expand the program to include these positions. Visit this webpage routinely for updates, upcoming events, and other news.
Helpful Links and Resources
- What is the OFO Workforce Investment Initiative Pilot Program?
The OFO Workforce Investment Initiative Pilot is a new program that is designed to increase our employees’ effectiveness in their current roles within the organization and increase their ability to be competitive for future professional and promotional opportunities. The pilot offers specialized training opportunities that include webinars, career counseling, individualized training plans, shadowing opportunities, Experiential Learning Assignments (ELA), mentoring and coaching, and paid training based upon each participant’s unique needs.
- Does participating in this program guarantee a promotion?
No. The program aids participants with sharpening the skills they need to be highly successful in their current positions while helping them build skills to be competitive at the next stage of their career or promotion opportunities.
- Do I have to compete to participate in the program?
Currently, the program is being offered noncompetitively to all Supervisory Consumer Safety Inspectors (SCSI), and Frontline Supervisors (FLS) and 200 Consumer Safety Inspectors (CSI). Resources are limited so CSIs must compete to be selected. The upcoming phases will include employees occupying GS-14 and GS-15 positions followed by other position groups as resources permit. Information on these phases will become available once finalized and interested employees can visit this page for updates/announcements.
- Who is eligible to participate?
All OFO employees occupying SCSI and FLS positions may attend any available webinars. These employees may complete a Training Needs Assessment to receive an Individualized Training Plan and participate in shadowing or and Experiential Learning Assignment (ELA) if they have successfully completed their probationary period, have no formal disciplinary action within the preceding 12 months, are performing at the Fully Successful level, and have been with the agency at least 90 days.
CSIs selected competitively are eligible to apply for selection into the program if they have successfully completed their probationary period, have no formal disciplinary action within the preceding 12 months, are performing at the Fully Successful level, and have been with the agency at least 90 days.
- How do I apply?
Interested CSIs must complete an application that includes their supervisory endorsement and submit applications to OFOWorkforceInvestmentProgram@usda.gov by the application deadline.
- How will I know when the application period opens (and closes)?
We will announce the open application period using agency communications including the Food for Thought newsletter and Employee User Notice emails. Additionally, information will be available on the FSIS website.
- Does my supervisor have to approve my participation?
- What if my supervisor does not approve my application or participation?
If a supervisor does not approve participation for an employee who meets all of the eligibility requirements, the supervisor must provide a narrative justification explaining the reason(s). This justification will be reviewed by OFO leadership to determine if the justification is valid, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility principles are not being violated, and the employee was not denied unfairly.
- What are reasons an employee can be eligible to apply but not approved to participate or apply by their supervisor?
Exceptions will be reviewed on a case-on-case basis and can include situations where participation has the potential to adversely impact their ability to meet the Fully Successful level or maintain good standing. Some examples may include an employee whose performance has not yet fallen below Fully Successful but is demonstrating difficulty meeting the Fully Successful level or employees who have been counseled on multiple occasions for performance or conduct.
- What are the selection criteria for the CSI phase?
Eligible CSIs must submit completed applications that clearly reflect their commitment to the FSIS mission and protecting public health, possess team building, interpersonal, initiative and adaptability skills, explain how their strengths benefit the agency and demonstrate a desire for continued professional growth.
- How do I know the selection process will be fair?
Applications will be evaluated an independent, third party who is not in the applicant’s supervisory chain or District Office. The selection criteria are clearly established and will be applied to all applicants in the same manner.
- How will CSI applicants be selected?
OFO assembled a workgroup composed of field managers who spent months developing the application process, the selection criteria, and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the process. Candidates will be scored based on their applications in accordance with the established criteria. Applicant selections will be based solely on the application submitted and will not be based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Applications will be scored by a panel of individuals not associated with the applicant’s District Office or supervisory chain of command.
- Will I be notified of my selection status?
Yes. All applicants will be notified of their selection status.
- If I am not selected, can I appeal the decision?
No. We are confident in the fairness and effectiveness of our selection criteria and selection process.
- Will I receive feedback on my application if I am not selected?
To the extent possible, we will provide feedback on the applications of individuals who are not selected.
- What can I do to ensure I submit my best application?
We recommend asking your supervisor or a trusted colleague to review your application for grammar, spelling, neatness, and quality of question responses before submitting your final application. Individuals who are designated to review final applications are prohibited from reviewing applications prior to official application review.
- How much time will I have to commit to this program if I am selected?
It will vary by person and depend heavily on their individual development needs.
- What happens after I’m selected?
CSIs selected for the pilot program will be required to complete a Training Needs Assessment form that will be used to generate an Individual Training Plan outlining the paid training, shadowing, Experiential Learning Assignment, coaching, and mentoring recommended for addressing the participant’s development needs. Once the Individual Training Plan is finalized, the participant will work with their supervisor and Workforce Investment Initiative Program Manager/Coordinator to schedule the training events.
- What happens if I’m not selected?
Employees who meet all eligibility criteria but are not selected will have the opportunity to apply again when the next application period opens. Applicants who are ranked highly but not high enough to be selected may be added to the Waitlist, depending on the number of Wait List slots available. These employees will be given priority selection if a selected applicant must temporarily or permanently withdraw from participating. If there are no Wait List slots available before the subsequent application period opens, non-selected applicants will need to reapply.
Applicants who are not selected can still benefit from other training and development resources offered by the agency.
- What if I’m selected but I have to delay my participation?
Any CSI who is selected through the competitive process but cannot participate due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. extended sick leave, staffing shortages that cannot be remedied, etc.) will have priority placement in the next open application period and will not have to reapply.
- How long can I shadow someone during this program?
Shadowing events cannot exceed 1 week at a time, but an employee can participate in multiple shadowing events depending on the availability of the individual being shadowed and funding.
- The individual I want to shadow is in a different geographic location. Can I still shadow them?
If the shadowing event is on a participant’s finalized Individual Training Plan, travel will be funded as long as it does not exceed the amount allocated.
- I want to shadow someone specific as part of my Individual Training Plan. Do I need to contact them directly?
No. If a shadowing event is part of a participant’s finalized Individual Training Plan, the shadowing event will be coordinated by the Workforce Investment Initiative Program Manager/Coordinator.
- What is an Experiential Learning Assignment (ELA)?
An ELA is an opportunity for a participant to temporarily occupy a position where they gain specific skills in support of their Individual Training Plan. An ELA can withing OFO or in another program area within FSIS and must include clearly outlined goals and assignments that will further the individual’s development. The duration of an ELA can last anywhere from 30 days to 90 days but must be approved by the employee’s supervisor and the individual supervising the ELA. Additionally, the grade level of an ELA cannot exceed the participant’s Full Performance Level (FPL). ELAs will be coordinated by the Workforce Investment Initiative Program Manager/Coordinator.
- Is there a limit to the number of paid training courses or shadowing events I can request?
Yes. Funding for the pilot program has been allocated per participant and cannot exceed the allocation. If paid training courses or shadowing events outlined on a participant’s Individual Training Plan exceed the allocation, they will be scheduled for the following fiscal year(s).
- When will OFO Public Health Veterinarians (PHVs) be added to the program?
We are currently exploring ways to incorporate PHVs into the program. Due to the size of the PHV workforce, participants will be selected through a competitive process.
- Why isn’t this program being offered to all OFO employees?
Limited financial resources are available for this pilot program and, to ensure the success of this new strategy, the number or participants is restricted. As the pilot program progresses and we obtain feedback from participants and their supervisors, we will determine whether the strategy is effective, should be expanded, and resources are available to support expansion.
I was informed that I was not selected for the program. Why wasn’t I selected?
All applicants who were not selected received specific feedback on the reason(s) their application was not scored high enough to be selected. If you were not selected this round and would like to apply for future application periods, we highly recommend you review the feedback provided as well as the information provided in these FAQs.
I wasn’t selected this time. Can I apply again when the application period re-opens?
Yes, provided you meet the minimum eligibility criteria when the application period re-opens in the future, you can apply again.
I don’t understand how my application was scored, what criteria was used?
Scoring criteria was established well ahead of the application period using a workgroup comprised of OFO leaders outside of the applicant’s District.To eliminate the possibility of unfair advantage, the criteria cannot be shared with potential applicants.
If I wasn’t selected for the CSI program, what career development options do I have?
While applicants selected for the CSI program will have access to additional career development and growth resources, ALL CSIs have access to existing agency resources that can enhance their development, including those available on the FSIS website.

I have been an SCSI for 15 years and with the Agency for 19 years. In April 2022, the Agency launched the OFO SCSI Supervision Survival Guide Series. These webinars are designed to provide a platform for us SCSIs to connect with one another and to gain skills that help us to navigate our day-to-day challenges. The webinar was interactive so the participants listening could chime in and answer polls and share their thoughts. The SCSI Supervision Survival Guide Series is an invaluable tool that the Agency has created to help SCSIs to be valued, trained, build a professional network, share ideas, and have seasoned SCSIs mentor newly promoted SCSIs.
– Jeremy Palmer, SCSI